Part 5 - Field of Flowers

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"Hey, glad you could make it!" Flynn said to Arabella, opening the door for her to come in. "Hey," she replied, with a huge smile on her face and her cheeks rosy pink, "My da said I can stay as long as I want, so..." Flynn grabbed her arm and pulled her inside, her trying to keep up. They stopped as they got to his room, where he pushed her inside and slammed the door behind him as she fell onto the bed.

"Heh, sorry." He held out his pale hand to pull her up, but she fell down once again, this time on top of Flynn's chest. Before her face turned a hundred shades of pink, Arabella got up and put her backpack next to his dresser. "What was that for?" She asked. Flynn scratched the back of his neck before answering. Beads of sweat dripped down his forehead. "Sorry. My older brother is in the lounge room and well... He doesn't act well around... Disabled kids." He mumbled the last part. "Well... I have an idea. But please don't think it's creepy." Arabella smirked slightly. "Whaddaya doin?" Flynn questioned, flopping down on his bed as Arabella fiddled with her prosthetic arm. She yanked it off and Flynn gasped, slightly confused and slightly intrigued.

"Shall we go creep him out a bit? Teach him a lesson?" Arabella put the hand on Flynn's shoulder, making him flinch. "Well, I dunno if it'll teach him a lesson but... It'll sure be fun!" Flynn nudged Arabella's side as they crept out into the lounge room. Arabella and Flynn ducked behind the couch and place the hand on Flynn's brother's shoulder, making him jump and drop the PlayStation controller. "Oh shi- FLYNN! You motherf- aarrrgh!" His brother leapt up and started chasing Flynn around the house, then stopped and smirked when he saw Arabella.

"Well well well..." He said, in a voice so deep it didn't seem natural. "Poor widdle baby only hash one army-warmy." He mocked, shoving Arabella to the floor. She went to grab her arm, but the brother stomped on it. Hearing the metal crunch and snap brought tears to her eyes, as she punched his side until he stepped back. "Bella! Run!" Flynn yelled to her. Not knowing anything better, Arabella ran out of the house. She ran and ran, until her legs could carry her no further. She found a field of flowers nearby, so she trudged over and fell amongst the dandelions.

Why? She thought as her eyelids fell heavy. Why did I have to be like this?..

When she opened her eyes, Arabella found herself in Flynn's arms. He was hugging her tightly, his letterman jacket wrapped around her and he was sobbing into it. "Flynn?..." She whispered. He gasped and looked down at her, smiling. They were no longer in a flower field, but in a hospital room. Her father was standing in the corner, yelling to someone on the phone. "What... Happened?" She asked, still dazed.

"Ah! She's awake!" She heard the nurse say. "Splendid! Come right this way, sweetie." The nurse took Arabella's hand and lead her behind a curtain, where she came out an hour later with a new arm. This one looked more like a mannequin's arm and less like a robot's. "Hope you like it, Bella." Her dad said to her. "It's thought controlled. This way it'll be like you have a real arm! Cost about $4000 000 though. Oh, Flynn? Mind if Bella stays at your place tonight? Just got a call from work and I can't be there tonight." Flynn nodded, smiling. "Good lad." Arabella was crying tears of joy at her new arm, which she could control just by thinking I want to pick up that glass or I want to write 'happiness'. She went to Flynn's house, where she saw his brother on his BMX out the front. "Let's just go in my room, kay?" Flynn cared about Arabella's safety more than he realised. "Want to pass the time by playing a game?" Arabella suggested.
"What sort of game?" Flynn replied, his voice deeper than usual.

Hi, me again! So, I don't know where this is heading. When I first planned the story, Arabella wasn't disabled and Flynn wasn't going to be a main character. Anyways, I'll be updating daily this week! And shoutout to @Tridleyy for being my inspiration. Or rather, shoutout to Arabella! (Yes, Tridleyy is Arabella. She does have friends called Sally and Flynn and she does have a prosthetic arm. She also drew pictures of the Hopping Mouse in her science book.) :p ok boiiiii

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