Emotional Energy - Bucky Barnes

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You had always been different, that much had been obvious from a young age. With the ability to change the mood of a particular person or an entire area/room, people caught onto your abnormality quickly. A lot of people were frightened by you, but your parents encouraged you to continue to grow in your gift. Without their constant support and love you didn't know if you'd be where you are today. When you heard of the Avengers you hoped for a chance to finally prove to the world your ability wasn't hostile. You had gone to the recruitment and actually had been noticed by them!

It's been almost a month now since you joined the team. You had officially moved in and had begun your training a week after you were accepted. You already preferred to train with Nat because she reminded you of your sister, but today she was off on a mission. Nat had asked one Avenger whom you hadn't really met yet to train with you. It's not like you hadn't tried to introduce yourself, Bucky just kind of kept to himself. When you tried to talk to him he never really replied, walking away or staring blankly.

Sam told you he was just like that and it wasn't anything against you, but thanks to your powers you could tell he had such a sad energy about him. At the moment Bucky stood across the room from you. You could feel his energy pulling and pushing around you. Out of all the people in the world he had to have one of the strongest amounts of emotional energy around him.

"Um...do you mind me using my powers?" you asked trying to look friendly.

"What are they?" he asked frowning slightly. Had he really never wondered why I was on the team, and asked Steve or anyone about me?

"I can control the emotions of a room or a person...I could maybe just..." you don't know what else to say to this tragically sad man.

"I don't...mind..." he looks away from you again. You feel bad for making him talk so much when it's obvious he's uncomfortable. With that thought in mind, you try and reach out towards the energy he's emitting, challenging it and changing it into calm and serenity. He must feel the change as he slowly looks up at you again.

"Better?" you ask with a small smile.

"Yes...Should we begin then?" he asks me. You nod and begin your training.

Immediately you notice how hesitant he is coming near you. While sparring he doesn't really...try. Always coming close enough but retreating quickly. This frustrates you for two reasons; one you can't imagine someone's going to be this gentle with you on a mission, and two wasn't this guy a badass assassin? Eventually, you're fed up with his lack of aggression.

"You can be more aggressive...I won't break," you say blocking a particularly soft punch. His face shows confusion, but you feel that uncertainty that seems to radiate off of him a lot.

"I don't want to hurt you..." he says as he tries to suppress his emotions.

"You won't...well you may but I can take it," you stop moving, grabbing your water bottle. He doesn't show his emotions on his face well but yet again you can feel everything he's feeling. It's sad, based on his emotional range he seems so...broken. It's exhausting but you desperately want to help.

"Can I try something?" you ask approaching him slowly. He nods confused. Holding out your hand you say, "Give me your hand." He hesitantly holds out his right hand. You take his hand into both of yours, feeling the warmth and roughness.

You've only tried this once before on a friend with anxiety, and it worked so why not attempt on Bucky? You close your eyes and focus on happy memories. When your parents bought you your favorite ice cream on your birthday when you knew you had a friend who accepted you as you, the day that the Avengers selected you to be on the team. When all you felt was happiness you then opened your eyes. You found Bucky staring at you.

"Did you do that?" he whispers.

"Yes...I was going to continue if you want," you say. He nods and tightens his grip on your hand. This time you keep your eyes open locking eyes with Bucky. You then focus on the calmest moments of your life. Bucky looks relaxed as you release his hand.

"I didn't know you could do that..." he says. He looks better, more life like now.

"Did it help?" you ask eagerly.

"Yeah, is that how you change the emotions of a person...or is there another way?" he looks eager to know the answer.

"I don't have to touch them physically...I just thought it would help..." you ramble off.

"It did," he says smiling. Woah you didn't expect that. Your cheeks heat up a tiny bit at his charming smile.

"That's...good...You can come find me whenever if you want...but I'm going to go rest," you say picking up your water bottle. You begin to walk out of the room, but Bucky stops you by grabbing your arm.

"Hey...Thanks," he smiles shyly.

"You're welcome," you say smiling back up at him.

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