Baby Daddy - Bucky Barnes

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I wanted to write something where Bucky and you/reader are not married. Normalize the normal in fanfic lol! Anyways, expect a Peter Quill!dad fic soonish! I've been working on this for a few days so I had to post it nooooow! Enjoy!

Huh. You definitely were not expecting to find out you were pregnant today... with your boyfriend-of-a-year's baby. You glance down at the half a dozen pregnancy tests strewn across your bathroom. Pregnant, pregnant, pregnant, PREGNANT, they scream at you.

A little bubble of excitement flows through you. A baby! You had a baby inside of you! Bucky's baby! The man that you loved had helped put a baby inside of you!

"Oh fuck," you say aloud to the empty bathroom. What the fuck will Bucky think? You pace the floor. What if...what if he doesn't want it? What if he breaks up with you? He doesn't seem to be the type to want the whole children lifestyle. You couldn't blame him for that. His life hadn't exactly been smooth sailing. Unfortunately, those traitorous tears prick the corners of your eyes. Would he really not want this baby? You couldn't imagine not wanting this baby, it was something made from your love for Bucky.

You shove the pregnancy tests far behind your makeup, where you know Bucky won't go snooping around. You want to tell him everything right now. But you don't want to deal with the possibility that he won't want the baby as much as you do. But you have to know. You have to know if he's in this with you, because even if he wants nothing to do with the baby... you know you want him or her so badly.

"Who should I talk to..." you wonder aloud. Nat will just tell you to talk to Bucky, Bruce won't know what to say, Sam will be dramatically upset about another Bucky running around. "Steve!" you suddenly realize who's better to talk to about your boyfriend than his own best friend? He'll know Bucky's stance on having a family better than anyone else. He's practically Buck's brother.


"Hey Steve." You walk into the tower's kitchen where he's eating lunch.

"Hi (y/n)," he takes a sip of his water, "What's up?"

"I have a few questions for you." You don't waste time, sitting across from him at the dining table.

"What did he do?"

You frown, "Bucky didn't do anything."

"(y/n) ..." he takes another sip of water, staring you down.

You take a calming breath before saying, "I'm pregnant."

Steve chokes, coughing into his napkin, "You're—You're pregnant? And it's Bucky's?"

"Of course, it's Bucky's! I would never cheat on him Steve!" You frown.

"Does he know?" Steve asks.

"Of course ... not..." you look down at your hands.

"You're telling me before him?" He sounds offended for James.

"Steve, you gotta understand. I don't know how he'll react. I don't know if he would even want this baby. I'm terrified he won't want it...or me..." your throat tightens, tears begging to spill from your eyes.

"(y/n)," Steve reaches for your arm, "He wouldn't—He would never be mad at you for this. Buck's always wanted a family. Used to talk about it non-stop back in the day."

"That's the problem Steve! This is not back in the day. I—He's different now. Life's been tough for him. How do you know he still feels the same way?" You glance up at the super soldier.

He contemplates the question for a few seconds before replying, "I think that ever since he's met you (y/n), he feels like that dream can still be a reality."

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