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I reached Reid's building not half an hour after I left the club and sighed when I noticed that Spencer's care there.

So he didn't stay the night with her. I thought relieved but then tensed. What if he had brought her with him?

I rapidly got off my van and all but ran towards Reid's apartment. I knocked on his door almost impatiently, I had to use all my self-control not to jump on him as soon as he opened the door.

"Morgan?" I almost laughed at his confused expression, surely not used to not knowing what was happening twice in one night "Are you ok? What are you doing here?"

"I... we need to talk" I replied, not even waiting to get inside before starting to spill out everything I've been suppressing these last couple of months "I love you. I am in love with you, Rei... Spencer. I don't know when or how it happened, but I know that I can't ignore it anymore" I waited, eyes never leaving his face wanting to see a change in his astonished expression "Come on pretty boy, you are killing me over here" I insisted after a while of just staring at each other, which just wreaked my nerves even more.

"I love you too" he confessed to me with unshed tears in his eyes "I love you too, Mor... Derek".

Just when I was about to stepped forwards and kiss him, the same strange beautiful woman that he left the club with appeared behind him. Now I was able to see her better, she had chocolate hair and honey golden eyes glinting with intelligence. I could notice that she held herself in grace and poise, surely proud of herself and for what she had achieved in her life.

"Then I better leave before you start taking each other's clothes off" she said with a mischievous amused smile "I told you that jealousy would make the trick" she gloated to Spencer, before kissing his cheek and exiting the apartment "Nice to finally meet you Agent Morgan, better take care of my cousin. See you at Las Vegas for Christmas cuz!" with that said she walked away without a second glance behind her.

"Did she... she's your cousin?!" I questioned him, completely lost by what was going on.

"It was her idea!" he excused himself rapidly "She said that if I wanted to know if you had any feeling for me, making you jealous would help me figure it out... and it did" he shrugged, giving me a sheepish smile "Sorry?"

I just laughed relieved and leaned down to steal a kiss from his tempting lips, a kiss that became passionate when the shock wore off Spencer.

"You better pay me back for the bad time you made me go through then" I challenged him once we broke the kiss.

He only chuckled, eyes shining in a similar amused mischief that is cousin wore before, and dragged me inside his flat for the best night I've ever had.

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