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I sighed, pacing through the hallway of the infamous vampire base where Mika and I lived. Clutching my stomach in pain, I reached for the final vial I had left for this rotation. Shutting my eyes tightly, I chugged the metallic, yet sweet, substance reluctantly.

"Shit... Where's Mika?" I muttered to myself. Hoping to find the attractive blonde and ask him for help.

Wait... Attractive!?

Shaking the though out of my head I wandered around the empty halls, tirelessly searching.

And that's when I heard it. It was... a violin?

There was no mistaking that gorgeous, elegant sound of notes being played to perfection with the bow. It sent me into a confused stupor. Who could be playing? What vampire I knew could ever harness the beauty and calming excitement that the instrument provided?

Setting my previous task of finding Mika aside I chose to follow the music like a cat hunting down it's prey, following the endless hallways while the soft stringing became louder and more clear.

Almost panting as I reached the end of my hunt, I found it. The music had to be behind these doors. So that way I didn't disturb the smooth playing I only creaked the door open, just to get a glimpse at the musician.

What I saw made my heart skip a beat.

It was Mika.

He moved with grace while at the same time making rough jerks of the bow against the strings with evidence of a professional. But what really caught my attention was his face. He was smiling. Normally Mika's face only showed a stoic, unemotional expression, damaged beyond repair by his tragic past. But now... He had a smile of an angel. Just a subtle curl of the lips that sent my heart fluttering.

Ok, so I might have a tiny crush on the blonde.

It was just the way he kept on living for his last remaining family, carrying on through the darkness, and it was difficult to admit that he wasn't attractive. With his angelic golden locks that I just wanted to run my hands through and those aqua blue orbs of his that I could stare into all day...

Alright fine I had a huge crush on him, fuck off.

I never knew Mika could play the violin, much less like this. What I especially adored was the song he was playing. Cantarella. I remember the gorgeous tune even after all this time. I had played it so often in my childhood on the piano that it's sweet melody was ingrained into my memory permanently.

The melodious tunes continued to fill my ears I became dazed, closing my eyes, I leaned against the door more to catch the full extent of his sweet music.

Suddenly, the music stopped.

Depressed, I opened my eyes, only to be less then a few inches away from Mika.

"Gah!" I jumped backward.

He stared at me stoically with a hint of anger in his azure pools.

"U-Umm..." I stuttered, entirely captivated in his gaze.

"What are you doing...?" He muttered dangerously.

I stood up from the floor to be at Mika's height before I scratched the back of my head awkwardly, "I was... just... I ran out of vials and... I couldn't find Krul anywhere so..." I mumbled, not even being able to form proper sentences in my flustered state.

"That doesn't explain why you were watching me" He glared.

I tried to change the subject. "Y-You were really good!"

He glared daggers at me. "[y/n]" He growled.

"Okay fine! I heard someone playing the violin and it was really good so I went to go see who was playing it!" I confessed.

He sighed. "Honestly..."

After a bout of uncomfortable silence I decided to speak. "Umm... Could you keep playing?"

Mika's eyes widened. "Why?"

I rubbed my temples. "Because you're really amazing. I wish you told me you could play sooner"

"I'm honestly not that good" He stated humbly.

"Liar" I stressed, looking at Mika skeptically.

Rolling his eyes he mirrored my tone. "So what about you? Can you play?"

I waved my hands frantically. "N-Not really! I mean... when I was a little kid, before our species was wiped out I tried to learn but I feel like I just got worse. But I still really loved music so I learned how to play the piano instead"

The half-vampire's eyes were intensely curious. "Can you show me?"

His request was met with me furiously debating his offer in my head.

'I can't play in front of him! If I screw up then he'll just judge me!' I part of my brain argued.

'But if I do well then it might make him happy...' Another side shot back.

Mika looked up at me pleadingly. "Please?"

My heart melted.

"Alright fine..." I gave in, walking over to the sleek black piano in the room that was stationed next to the violin.

Lifting up the secure piano case I glanced at the ivory and ebony eyes that I had missed desperately. Taking a fleeting glance at Mika, who was resting his arm on the black surface, I began to play.

The sound of keys playing in perfect harmony filled my ears, seemingly chipping away every feeling of fear at screwing up with every note. With my eyes closed I didn't see Mika who had his mouth parted slightly in shock with wide eyes.

I had barely reached the chorus of the song before Mika began playing with me on his violin. Luckily I didn't stop playing even though I was surprised at the actions he made.

As the sweet song played in harmony between the two classical instruments the lyrics played in my head.

As time passes by,
I feel that my heart,
Must keep hidden
So I may approach
I heave a sigh,
because around you,
I feel far from myself

My fingers danced across the keyboard of black and white tiles without much thought, the same resounding from Mika's violin.

In an ordinary feeling of love, my heart pounds,
And I,
Will set up my trap for you.
Even though I'm eagerly after you,
I won't
leave fingerprints behind

I had always wondered what the song was about. Even though on the outside it was quite simple, a man finds a beautiful girl at a ball and they end up sleeping together for feelings of both love and lust, I had always looked for hidden meanings or at least tried to justify the song by my terms. In my mind... It was about a lonely person who had never experienced love finds a girl that makes him feel emotions once more.

Rusting from time,
The chains fall apart,
You run away,
With no place to go.
The more seconds...
...echo by...
The more you try to fight

As the notes began to turn slower I risked opening my eyes only to see that Mika had his eyes unveiled as well, locking with mine. I grinned slightly and sadly Mika was unable to return the smile but I could see happiness shining in his lapiz pools.

Let me just say that inside of you I see
myself, hiding in your memories.
To be linked with the scene of your smile,
makes me feel so very in love with you

With a final set of keys and a single loose of the keys the song ended. For a moment we were both silent before Mika glided over to me and pulled me into his arms.

"M-Mika!?" I stuttered with widened eyes.

In his tight embrace he shifted his head to whisper in my ear, sending goosebumps skittering across my skin.

"[y/n]... I love you"

My insides exploded into butterflies. No... It was more like a fluttering sensation of powerful fireworks, shooting out from my chest and exploding every second. With a wide grin I returned his embrace before separating from the embrace and placing my hands on his cheeks.

"What.. What are you doing?" Mika asked with a bright red blush dusting his cheeks.

"This..." I whispered softly as I brought Mika's lips to my own.

The blonde waved his hands, his confidence from before gone with the wind as he awkwardly returned the kiss. Even I experienced the joy of feeling his soft lips against mine, the warm comfort of him holding me, and the inexperienced joy of us both, none of these emotions could rival what I felt when I pulled away.

Mika was smiling.

His smile seemed to brighten up the world, chase the farthest reaches of darkness back to hell and just there, in the moment, I forgot that I was eventually going to go mad with hunger and kill someone and that I lived in a fucked up would as an ugly blood-sucker. The only thing that mattered was the boy in front of me that stole my heart.

"Mika... You should smile more often" I said with a wistful smile of my own.

To think, none of this would have been confessed if Mika hadn't been playing the Violin.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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