Hugs Everywhere!

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"Well, Gred and Feorge, it was nice meeting you." Richard said as he got up, "However, curfew is in ten minutes." 

"Really? Wow, time flies when your planning." Roy said.

Fred and George laughed.

 "Of course it does!" they both said at the same time. 

"Anyways, we'll see you later slimy snakes." And with that, Fred and George left.

Hermione had already left earlier, saying that she didn't want to be an accomplice to whatever the boys were going to do.

Richard and Roy quickly grabbed their bags and started fast-walking towards the dungeons. 

"Go on without me, I've got to get something quickly." Richard said, slowing down.

"Okay, but careful of the time." Roy said.

Richard nodded.

As soon as Roy was gone, Richard knocked on a certain door. 

The door opened to show Snape. 

Richard hugged him and said, "Have a good night, Professor. Sweet dreams!", and then he ran to the Slytherin dorms.  

Severus just blinked. 

No other student would hug him, much less wish him a good night.

'That boy needs to be tested.' Snape decided. 


"Well, we've gotten through the first and second weeks of the new school year." Dumbledore said at the Staff Meeting later that night.

A few of the teachers nodded.

"Any incidents or pranks happen?" Albus asked. 

"Incidents, yes. Prank, no. Which was one of the things I wanted to bring up. Fred and George aren't pranking anyone. It is becoming rather worrisome." Minerva McGonagall said.  

"I for one hope that they have gotten over their pranking days." said Pomona Sprout.

"I highly doubt that. They are planning something bigger. I saw them with two other people in the library, talking to each other all day today." the librarian informed them.

"And did you recognize the other two boys?" Albus asked.

"Both were Slytherin. One had black hair and the other had red hair." said the librarian. 

"Oh? Was the one with black hair have blue eyes?" Severus asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Yes." nodded the librarian. 

Severus put his head onto the table.

"Severus, are you okay my boy?" Albus asked.

Severus looked up abruptly, glaring at the Headmaster.  

"I'M. FINE." Snape hissed.

"Clearly, you are not." Minerva said with a bit of a snap.

"Richard is a... mystery." Severus worded carefully. 

"And why do you say that?" Sprout asked.

"He hugs me. He hugged me twice today. Then, he wished me a good night and sweet dreams. I do not understand him." Severus admitted. 

"Wait. He actually said 'Sweet dreams'?" Filius Flitwick asked. 

"He said and I quote, 'Have a good night, Professor. Sweet dreams!' unquote." Severus said with a slight glare. 

Everyone just looked at Severus.

"I wish to have him tested to see if anything is wrong with him." Severus said.

"I'm sure it's just...uhm...wanting affection?" Albus tried to supply.

"If he wanted affection, why go to me? I'm NOT an affectionate man, Albus." Severus snarled. 

"You're his Head-of-House, maybe he thought that he couldn't be affectionate towards any other adults?" Minerva asked. 

"No, he's come up to me and smiled and asked many questions." Sprout said.

All the teachers who had Richard, nodded and said the same thing.

"Everyone else is scared of me! Why is he not?" Snape demanded to know.

"Maybe he don't understand that you want to be left alone. He did grow up with Bruce Wayne. He is a very secluded man. Even when he went here, he didn't talk to anyone. Maybe Richard is just trying to make you feel better because it worked with Bruce." suggested Minerva. 

"No, something keeps bringing him back to you Severus. You need to find out why he's hugging you." Pomfrey said.

"And how do I do that?" Severus asked.

"Ask him to have tea with you. Talk to him. Be gentle though; he's  a child." Pomfrey said.

"Pomfrey, that's highly inappropriate." Severus said. 

"I have to agree with Poppy on this one, Severus. Have some tea with him. I'm sure he'll love it!" Albus smiled.

"Why can't you?" Severus asked.

"Severus! Don't you DARE neglect the child! He's coming to you for a reason. You're the only one he's giving physical affection to AND wishing you good sleep. You have to sit down with him and talk. Show him some affection back. He'll LOVE it!" Poppy said.

Severus growled loudly.

"No, no, no. You're doing this, Severus. It's for your and his own good. If you don't spend time with him, I'll make you do that." Albus threatened.  

Severus stiffened and his eyes went wide.

"You wouldn't." Severus hissed.

"I will. Either spend time with Richard, or I'll have you-" Albus started.

"FINE!" Severus barked.

"Good! Now then, next on our agenda! We have-" the meeting went on.

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