#4- Soul Mates?

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•Third Person POV•

Dan sighed.

He sat in the high school cafeteria, surrounded by a large group of people all at his table. He was considered the popular guy here and had a shit ton of friends and followers, but at the moment the senior in high school had never felt lonelier. He had just watched a person find her soulmate, and while almost everyone had already found there's by their senior year in high school, Dan had no one.

You see, when a person finds their soulmate, their heart begins to glow red. It is will glow so brightly that it will appear as though the person's chest is glowing, and you can see it very clearly.

Dan was one of a few people who had not yet found their soulmate, and it made him unbelievably sad. He was constantly surrounded but people, but they were all fake friends. He had no best friend or person to confide in. He was so very alone, and only wanted someone to trust and love forever.

But Dan was beginning to wonder if he even had a soulmate. With his dark clothes and emo style who could love him? Perhaps his soulmate has died in a horrible accident, or had found someone else. Was that possible?

Loud clapping brought Dan Howell out of his thoughts. Looking away from his tray of food he had been ever intently staring at, he saw that the new couple begin making out as the glow in the chests slowly got dimmer.

That's what happens when you find your soulmate: your chest will begin to glow, but until you get together with your soulmate your chest will never stop glowing. Meaning you have literally no choice but to die or get together with your soulmate. Even if you absolutely despise them.

There was one month of school left and Dan wanted to die. Now that was a thought. Perhaps his soulmate had died?

Honestly, he didn't even know why he cared so badly. Sure, he had been alone most of his life but did he really want a soulmate? They would just get in the way of having fun and he would be miserable. Same old, same old.


Phil laughed at something PJ said, but the laugh was forced as his mind was on something else.

As he looked around, he saw everyone had a soulmate. PJ and Chris, Colleen and Josh, Felix and Marzia, etc etc. it made Phil sad, to be honest. He felt lonely. He had loads of friends and a couple of best friends, but he just felt empty inside. He wasn't depressed and he didn't care too much about finding a soulmate, he just wanted to have someone he knew he would spend the rest of his life with. Was that crazy?

Phil said his goodbyes and grabbed his tray of food, carrying it to a trash bin and dumping the uneaten food. He turned to walk away when he roughly hit someone else.

"I'm so sorry!" Phil cried, backing up.

His eyes met a coffee-colored pair and he froze. It was none other than Dan Howell, his worst enemy. No one knew why, but Dan and Phil had always hated each other. For one, they were polar opposites. Dan, dressed in all black, was considered the "cool" kid at school. He was popular and everyone loved him. He didn't do well in school but the teachers loved him so he passed every grade with flying colors. Overall, Dan was the hot popular kid everyone adored. And then there was Phil. Phil, usually wearing brightly colored clothes always a book in hand, was gentle and referred to as the "nerd" in this high school. People didn't hate him, but they stayed out of his way and he stayed out of theirs. He had plenty of friends and he was just another kid.

Dan glared at Phil, who retry end the cold stare.

"Lester," Dan said casually, though you could easily see the hatred in his eyes.

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