#6- Seven Minutes in Heaven

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Smut of course!

Word count:

•Third Person's POV•

"What if it lands on Peej?" Dan laughed.

Phil giggled. "Chris would literally murder me!"

Everyone laughed and agreed. Dan, Phil, Louise, Zoe, PJ, Chris, Troye, Cat, Tyler and many other friends were hanging out and playing Seven Minutes of Heaven. They had only just started, so PJ and Chris were still in the other room for about another minute. Sexual moans and screams were heard coming through the door and everyone outside couldn't help but laugh hysterically.

"Time is up, lovebirds!" Louise yelled, banging on the door.

There was one last scream that faded into heaving breathing before the door opened. PJ walked out first with wild hair, pulling his shirt back over his head while his lips were swollen and his neck was covered in love bites. Next came Chris, zipping up his pants and panting.

"Looks like someone had a good time," Tyler laughed.

Everyone else howled with laughter while PJ blushed and Chris grinned evilly.

"Who's turn?" Dan asked.

"Mine!" Tyler squealed.

He spun the bottle, and oddly enough it landed on Troye.

"What a coincidence," Dan whispered to Phil sarcastically.

Phil laughed and watched as Troye took off running with Tyler, barely making into the room before both of their shirts were off. The door was slammed shut and there was a loud thud, signaling that someone had been shoved against the wall.

"I wonder who will top," Louise said and wiggled her eyebrows. Everyone laughed and continued their chattering.

Dan couldn't help but stare in awe at Phil. Dan had loved Phil for the longest time, and couldn't resist staring whenever Phil wasn't looking. With his stunning blue eyes that Dan swore could see into anyone's soul and  his gorgeous black hair; his pale skin tone and perfect body build that seemed to be made to perfectly fit against Dan's whenever they embraced. He was tall and lean and perfect, and Dan was madly in love with him.

Secretly, Dan hoped the bottle would land on Phil. God, how hot would it be to have a serious make out session with Phil? He almost got aroused just from that thought and instantly thought of other things to take his mind off of it all.

Phil sat quietly beside Dan, looking anywhere but Dan. He couldn't let himself get distracted this time. He often did that and Dan would ask if he was okay, to which Phil always replied "just thinking." Truth be told he was always thinking about Dan. about his attractive, somewhat muscular body with his honey colored skin, his mocha colored eyes that made Phil go weak at the knees. Phil had only recently discovered his feelings for Dan, and by recently he meant last year. It had been so hard for Phil to pretend that he saw Dan as a friend and nothing more. It hurt, but it was doable.

Phil was hoping that the bottle would land on Dan, but then a thought occurred to him. Would that ruin their friendship? The last thing Phil wanted was to make things awkward between them. Phil sighed at this thought.

"You okay?" Dan asked softly.

"What? Yes, yes. I was-"

"Just thinking?" Dan answered for me.

I gulped and nodded. Dan sighed and rolled his eyes. "Phil, you've been saying that a lot lately. Are you sure you're okay? Something's up, and I-"

Seven minutes were up and Troye and Tyler came stumbling out free Zoe knocked on the door. Their clothes were thrown in hastily, though by judging by the tents in the pants they hadn't finished.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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