adopted by... THEM?! chapter 11

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"thank you caylie for saving ashtons life!!" Louis yelled. im pretty sure the whole neighborhood heard him. then I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. it was Louis again. "c'mon get dressed. im taking you to starbucks." Louis happily cheered. **minutes later** we arrived at startbucks and a couple fans walked up to him and asked, "whos this girl Louis?" I was kinda afraid for the answer but he gladly replied, "my lovely, amazing, beautiful girlfriend." I looked at him and he looked down at me and kissed me infront of everyone.



Louis and ashton had just walked out the door to go.. well I don't know where they are going but thanks to Louis, I have another problem on my hands. harry, who was still laying on top of me even after we had fallen on the floor, gave me a confused, worried look. "cay, what does he mean you saved ashtons life?!" damn, theres no way to escape this one.. im gonna go for it anyways. "uhh ashton was choking and well... I saved her." I looked away to avoid eye contact because by now I bet harry could tell when I was lying. usually when I tell a lie my head tilts up a little and my eyes tend to drift to the left, so it wasn't that hard to rat me out of things.  I tried my hardest not to let my head go up. I failed. miserably. "caylie, now I KNOW that's a lie. you know how I feel about it when people lie to me.. especially straight to my face.." now harrys face had gone from worried to annoyed. I sighed, "harry, im not lying.. I just don't like to make eye contact when I speak." I tried to save myself in this conversation but I think I just dug an even deeper hole than what there already was. harry was about to say something more but before he could I quickly made up an excuse to go somewhere else. "I have to go take a shower." I kind of yelled as I pushed harry off of me and ran upstairs into mine and harrys bedroom and into the restroom. I was actually planning on taking a shower considering I haven't in a few days. yes, gross. I know. but maybe it would also help the swelling around my body go down.

**45 minutes later**


I walked out of the shower and onto the carpeted floor right outside the tub and wrapped a towel around myself. I didn't even want to look into the mirror right now to see if I missed anything so I opened the door and the ice cold air was hitting my bare skin, making me shiver at the feeling of it. I quickly grabbed some of my shorts and a tank top of mine and went downstairs where I last saw harry. thankfully, he was still there. "haz!" I yelled. I scared the complete shit out of him. oh I love scaring people. "oh my god, caylie! what the hell happened?!?" he yelled at me after turning towards me. what the hell was he talking about? "what are you talking about?" I tried calmly to say back to the freaked out man in front of me. "the bruises! the cuts! your thigh!?" shit. I forgot about that. "harry its nothing. I just fell." I tried my hardest to calm harry down. it didn't work. "theres no way in fucking hell that you couldn't fallen anywhere and gotten bruised on your collar bone, neck, and arms! there no way you would've gotten scratched like that if you just fell! and your thigh! theres no way you could've fallen and gotten a cut that deep in your leg, and it wouldn't be swelling like it is." harry out-smarted me. damn it. "uhh.. you don't know what I fell on or off of so you wouldn't know what the outcome should look like." I replied a little snottily, I just didn't want him to actually know why... he'd get mad that I fought people I didn't even know. more or less, at all. "caylie... why wont you just tell me the truth?" harry pleaded as he stood up and walked closer to me. "y-you'll get m-mad." I don't know why but this sudden rush of nervousness came through me. "cay.. I promise I wont." he reached for my hands and llightly stood there holding them in his for what felt like forever until I finally built the courage to say it. "I asked ashton to take out the trash and it took her forever so I went outside to see if she was fine but I saw 3 or 4 girls kicking her on the ground and punching her so I stepped in and they yelled something about this thing called one direction, whatever that is, and then I told them I didn't know what that one direction thing is so they started punching me and kicking me and stuff but I beat them and saved ashtons life basically." I said in one breath, and it came out as one long jumbled up sentence but harry still got the message. he just gave me a blank stare. "what...?" I say waiting patiently for a reply which took minutes for harry to say, "shit I forgot.. I never told you." what? wait... "what do you mean? you've never told me what?" I asked now unpatient, urging for an answer immediantly. "that one direction you speak of, that's a very famous boy band that consists of 5 boys. niall, zayn, liam, Louis, and... me.." after hearing that, I blew up. "so you get mad when I don't tell you the truth, yet you lie to me about THIS?!?" I yell pushing him away from me as I ran upstairs, for like the 100th time today. I heard footsteps chasing after me, which only made me move quicker. as soon as I got to our bedroom I ran inside and slammed the door right before harry got there. "caylie please.. I didn't lie to you about anything I just didn't tell you yet.. its not lying.." harry leaned up against the door as I on the other hand, made sure he didn't come in yet. "same difference." I yelled back to the man standing on the other side of the door. "please just let me in.." harry pleaded and he sounded so... so sad? I didn't reply. I just stood there waiting to hear something else. I did, but its not what I wanted to hear. sobs. sniffles. heavy breathing. was he crying? I slowly opened the door and just let it slide open. after the door had completely opened I went over to the bed and was about to sit down until I hear harry mumbling stuff to himself. "what?" I ask him. he looks up at me and walks towards me with his big green eyes that were now red from crying, and a bit puffy. his face was red too, not just the eyes. he sat on the bed right where I was going to while I just kept standing. "I was saying, im sorry. for everything. its all my fault." he stopped looking at me and faced down to the floor. "what happened with that gang was my fault. I should've been keeping a closer eye on you. this is my fault. I didn't warn you about what some fans do... its all my fault." he started balling towards the end of his sentence. he hid his face in his hands as he stood up to walk away but before he could, I grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him to face me. " it is not your fault harry Edward styles. don't you dare ever say that again. don't blame yourself. it wasn't your fault." I saw as I uncover his hiding face from his hands. "but-" I cut him off quickly, "but nothing. it wasn't your fault. I love you and that's all that matters." after I said the last 8 words his face lit up. I lightly put my hands on the back of his neck and he put his hands on my waist as I go up on my tippy toes to try to give him a kiss. he leaned in first, then I kind of just followed. I had already closed my eyes and I could feel the presence of his lips not that far from mine as he leaned in even closer. I took a shot and leaned in even more and that's when our lips touched. his soft pink lips, moving in synch with mine, amazing. I swear I felt fireworks in my chest. we both pulled away after about a minute or two and we looked straight into each others eyes.. that is until someone rang the doorbell.....


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