Ch. 26 Picnic Dates & Star Gazing

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Jenna get some clothes on I want to take you somewhere. -T

When? -A

Right now babe I'll be there in five. -T

Five minutes later on the dot I pull up to Jenna's house. She's sitting in her porch petting her cat. Wow that's my lady, she's so great I love her. I walk up to her careful not to make the cat run away.

"Hey babe you ready?" I ask.
"Yes I am." She says while standing up and brushing the cat hair off of her clothes.

We walk to my car and head over to the park where we are going to have our picnic. We jam out in the car to The Offspring. Once we get to the park I grab the basket and blanket out of the trunk. We walk hand in hand to a nice place on top of a tiny hill overlooking the playground. We lay out the blanket and sit down. I pull out two sandwiches, a bag of grapes, two juice boxes, and a bag of tootsie rolls. I push the straws into the juice boxes and hand one to Jenna.

"Cheers my lady." I say with a smile.
"Cheers." She says back happily.

We both take a drink of our juice.
"Ooh Apple, my favorite." She says.
"I know." I say smugly.

I hand her a sandwich and take mine out of the saran wrap I wrapped it in. We eat and make small talk about anything from bananas to the arctic monkeys with a little talk about Barbie dolls in between.

After we are done eating way lay down on the blanket eating tootsie rolls from time to time.
"I love you Jenna." I say warmly.
"I love you more." She says back.
"Not possible." I say.
"Of course it's possible." She says back.
"How about we love each other the most amount possible equally?" I ask.
"Yes, okay. The most possible equally it is." She says back.
"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you Jenna." I say truthfully.
"Ditto." She says back with a smile.
I lean in and kiss her. Not one of those dramatic lustful kisses, but a sweet meaningful one. That's more our style. When I pull away I look into her beautiful eyes and just smile because of the human in front of me. She's mine, like really mine and I love that.

We lay there for about an hour just cuddling and talking about stupid stuff that somehow seems like the most important things ever. Soon enough it's dark and I pull out the sparkling white grape juice and two plastic champagne glasses. I pour the juice into each glass and hand Jenna one. We sip on the champagne and look at the stars.

"That ones my favorite." I say.
"Why's that?" She asks.
"It's named after you." I state.
"What?" She asks as if she heard me wrong.
"This star is named Jenna, after you." I say clearly.
"Oh my gosh Tyler!" She squeals and hugs me excitedly.

Now I know what you're thinking. Is this Hannah Montana or A Walk to Remember? No it's not, but I maybe kinda got the idea from them. Jenna's just my star and I thought it was fitting, as cheesy as that sounds.

I roll up the blanket and pick up the basket and we walk back to my car. Jenna is half asleep so I drive her to her house and carry her to her room. Her parents seem to be asleep so I make sure to be extra quiet. I tuck her into her bed and kiss her head. I quickly and quietly walk out the door and before I shut the door fully I hear Jenna whisper a soft 'I love you.' I return the same words meaningfully and close the door. I drive home in a bliss, I'm the happiest I've been in forever I think. Actually I know, and it's all thanks to my star.

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