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Morning came right after our discussion. No matter what I said he wouldn't leave. 

"My Queen, is there anything you'd like to do today" one of my ladies stepped into my room.

"No, thank you. I'm going to take a walk into town. Greet some friends" I said to her getting up from my bed.

"I'll help you get dressed, my lady" she said looking for dresses.

"There's no need for that. You all know I don't need help with such a silly thing as getting dressed. Run along now, have fun with your kids. You have the day off" I smiled at her gesturing her to go.

"Thank you, my Queen" she bowed.

"Snow, it's always Snow" I reminded her.

"Yes Queen Snow" she smiled and left. I laughed at how they never stop with the curtsy. I never wanted any of it. I just wanted to be like the rest of them.

Walking down into town, I spotted Eric carrying some wood for the fire.

"Snow? What are doing here?" He asked getting close.

"I just needed fresh air" I stuttered.

"You know it's not safe for you to go out alone" he reminded which made me frown. I could take care of myself.

"I can take care of myself" I huffed.

"You know that's not what I mean. She could be anywhere" he said referring to Ravena. 

"Enough about her. I never got the chance to ask, how have you been this past years?" I asked curiously.

He sighed, "I needed time alone... to sort my life out."

"I understand", I looked at my feet. He stopped his tracks and looked directly into my eyes. My breath shortened when he cupped my face.

"Snow, I left for you to be happy. If I'd stayed you could never form a future with someone" he breathed. I took a step back annoyed.

"Who are you to decide with whom I should be? Who are to decide what should make me happy?" I said angrily.

"I just wanted you to have a suitable husband" he explained. He doesn't gets it does he? My heart is only for him.

"I can't marry a man who is not my true love" I walked the other way. I think I'm done with this conversation it hurts too much.

"Snow wait! You know this is not about love. This is about a great leader" Eric followed me.

I was seriously annoyed with him right now, "You don't understand", I stopped and turned around, "the mirror before it went bad. It told me about Ravena's spell on me. A sleeping spell only true love kiss could have waken me..."

"Snow I" but I cut him.

"Let me finish. The mirror told me I could not marry someone that wasn't my true love. If I did, the land would die again. It was best if I didn't have him, to rule alone. So I did" I finished. We stood there both processing the information I just delivered.

"With all the more reason you should marry William, Snow. Don't you see? He is the one" he walked closer to me. His steps faltered my heart but his words crushed it.

"It was never him" a tear fell from my cheek even though I've been trying to hold them.

"Snow I... I'm very sorry" I think he now realizes what he never did. His face showed hurt but I was in more pain. He was my true love but he loved another woman and it is as it has to be because she is after all his wife. I saw his eyes water for a moment and then he walked back to his house leaving me.

I kept my pace strolling past his house minutes after I recomposed myself but their voices made me stop. I hid behind the brick wall below the window to hear. It was not a good thing to do but I didn't care at the moment, I heard my name.

"Snow and you. You two ever had anything besides a friendship back then?" The voice of Sarah asks.

"I saved her, and she saved me but you must know I love you Sarah" Eric answers my heart shattering even more.

I couldn't hear any more of it I got up and left making a terrible noise when I hit the woods outside. I just wanted to get out of there. I ran to the woods which seemed the only safe haven I had left. I cried my eyes out beside a tree when I heard the leaves crashing with one another. Black wings surrounding me. Black birds. Ravens. Oh no, not now Ravena. The bird went straight at me attacking me. They got me to the ground and scratched my dress off. I felt a cut in my face and blood flowing out. Then it all stopped and the bird formed a body and there she was Ravena, not in her human form but birds forming her body.

"There's nothing more exciting than a broken heart, Snow White. And now that you've given up you are all mine!" She shouted getting closer to me.

"Get away from her, you bitch!" A voice screamed and before I even knew Eric's hatchet was thrown directly to the birds and they all spread and flew away.

He breathed heavily and yanked me up. He noticed the scratch in my face and took the blood in his finger.

"That was incredibly stupid what you just did" he growled at me. I took his hand off my face and tried to walk the other way but his hand stopped me.

"Where do you think you are going?" He brought me to his chest. He needs to stop doing that.

"I'm going to the castle" I shake him off, "alone."

"You must definitely are not going alone. Look what alone just did" he walked in front of me stopping my tracks.

"Why do you care?" I snapped.

"Where is all this attitude coming from?" He paused for a minute checking my face. "Were you crying?"

I huffed and started walking back to the castle. I made no effort in telling him not to follow me because I knew he would anyways. I tried to quicken my pace though so he wouldn't see I was still crying my eyes out. I couldn't let him see me weak.

I hadn't noticed he catches up with me until he takes my hand in his.

"Don't run away from me, Snow" he whispers but I kept my face straight ahead. How can someone play with my emotions so easily? One moment I was mad at him, the next I'm dying to jump into his arms.

He wastes no time in turning me around forcefully giving me no time to budge.

"You are crying? Why Snow?" He says softly.

"I'm not crying" I deny it, although it seems hopeless. I walked back to the castle. He just stands there watching me go inside.

"Snow? Snow, what happened?" William asks as he sees me entering.

"Ravena" I said simply.

"Is that why you are crying?" He insists again.

I look back to see Eric still standing there. Will must have noticed because he then says, "You love him don't you?"
He looks hurt and I can't help but understand him. We both don't get who we want. I walk away from them not bothering to say anything. I was completely drained.

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