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-Jaken and Rin are still sleeping but Lord Sesshomaru is awake-

-Sesshomaru just looks down at where Rin is sleeping almost in his lap and smiles-

-Rin wakes up-

-Rin looks up at Lord Sesshomaru-

"Good morning Lord Sesshomaru"

"Good Morning Rin"

"Lord Sesshomaru?"

"Yes Rin"

"What will happen when I die?"

"I won't let that happen to you'

"Okay! Oh.... And my Lord?"

"Yes what is it Rin?"

"Where are we going today?"

"Where ever you want how about that?"

"Oh! Then can we go to a flower garden?"

"Okay Rin"

-Time passes and Rin Jaken and Sesshomaru are leaving the village and as they are walking Rin runs up to Lord Sesshomaru and holds his hand-

-They all reach the flower garden that Rin wanted to see-

"Ohhhh Lord Sesshomaru look at all the pretty flowers"


"Come on Lord Sesshomaru lets go pick some flowers"

"Okay Rin"

-Time passes and Rin and Lord Sesshomaru picked some flowers well Rin did and Sesshomaru just held them. It is dark now and Rin is sitting under a tree ready to fall asleep but trying to stay awake until Sesshomaru came back from when he left earlier-

-Rin falls asleep-

-Lord Sesshomaru comes back to find Rin sleeping under a tree and she is shivering  so Sesshomaru picks Rin up and sits down holding Rin so she is warm-

-Rin is half asleep –

"Your back imp so glad........hmm"

"Go to sleep Rin"

-Years pass and Rin just turned 20 years old and still traveling with Lord Sesshomaru and she is now a beautiful young woman loved by many men-

(Note; Rin is very beautiful so when she travels with Sesshomaru and stays at villages she gets men asking her to be their bride which angers Sesshomaru)

-One day at a village where Rin and Sesshomaru had been staying for a while Rin has met a nice young man that is in love with her and she may be in love with him as well but ever since Rin has become a young women Sesshomaru would not leave her when she stayed at a village-

"Lord Sesshomaru?"

"Yes Rin"

"What would happen if I got married?"

-Sesshomaru is shocked and a little angry at this question but tries to stay calm because he doesn't want to upset Rin because he wants her to be happy-

(Note: Sesshomaru wants Rin to be happy with him not another man)

"I would leave you so you can be with your husband "

"But I don't want you to leave"

"But I would want you to be happy with your husband so I would leave right away"


"Is that all?"


*I don't know what I should do I am in love with Higerashi but then again do I even know what true love is? I don't want to live a life that does not have Lord Sesshomaru in it either. Oh what do I do??*


"Yes Lord Sesshomaru"

"Dose he make you happy?"




"It's getting late you should go to sleep"

"Okay.. good night Lord Sesshomaru.."

"Good night Rin'

-Rin goes to sleep confused and not knowing what to do-

-it morning-


*hmm I wonder where Lord Sesshomaru is... wait what is that piece of paper why is it on Lord Sesshomaru's bed?*

"Rin I want you to be happy with your husband so I am leaving and not coming back. If I know you, you are in tears right now so wipe away those tears and go get ready for your wedding I left you a little present it is under the blanket I hope you enjoy it. And because I will not be coming back I will answer you the question I know you always think about and that is why did I save you when your village was attacked by the wolves and the answer to that is because you are the first person that I have ever fallen in love with. When I was injured you brought me food that I could not eat but you got it from the pond and because you did those men beat you up and you tried to help me and so when I saw you laying there all scratched up I couldn't help myself so I brought you back to life and I am so happy that I did because I got to see you grow up to the beautiful young woman you are today I have never stopped loving you and I never will you brought happiness into my life that no one will ever understand or compare to. Now Rin lift up the blanket and look what is left if you remember they are the flowers that we picked the day after you were kidnapped by that demon you said that these flowers were the most beautiful that you have ever seen so because you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen I thought I would show you just how much I loved you but showing you that I love you as much as you love picking flowers. But I am afraid that I have to leave now because if I don't then you will wake up and if you wake up I won't be able to leave after seeing you but this is goodbye. I hope you are happy.

-Lord Sesshomaru"

A/N- if you like my story please comment of if you have an opinion about it maybe I should add something or if there is anything you would like to see/read let me know ;D

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