18 - Hopeful hearts

106 16 6

Sebastian Peters:

    Thursday. I run my hands through my hair, sitting up. The covers slide of off my chest, covering only my boxers. I lean my head against the backboard of my bed, groaning eternally. Two more days.

I have two days to ask her. Forty-eight hours can change a persons entire life. Meanwhile, I'm here wasting my time. I punch my pillow in frustration. "Why can't I just tell her?" I ask myself.

She's dating Lucas, dumbass.

"Sebastian! Let's go, I don't have time to wait for you!" My father cries.

I jump out of bed, rushing to find my clothes. I throw on a pair of kaki shorts while rummaging through my dresser to find a clean pair of socks. I grab the black socks and slip them on my feet, falling over as I reach for a shirt sprawled across my bedroom floor.

I slip the black shirt over my head, give my hair a quick shake and rush down the stairs. "I'm ready, I'm ready!" I yell.

Sara waltz' in a circle at the front door. "Good morning Sebby!" She smiles.

I give her blonde hair a quick shake. "Hey munchkin." I smile slightly.

"There you are." My dad smiles slightly, patting down his suit jacket. As always he's dressed professionally. His grey hair is slicked back perfectly. He reminded me of Aria's dad.

"I'm surprised you haven't started yelling at me yet." I huff, reaching for my Nike's.

"I'm sorry, I've been a terrible father lately."

What? Did those words just come out of his mouth?

I drop my shoes, my jaw must be touching the floor by now. I sit on the staircase, staring at him strangely.

"I am just frustrated and stressed with life and work. Things were so much easier when your mom was around, I know you agree. I shouldn't be taking it out on you. I love you, Seb. You know that, right?" He smiles. I notice the tears that begin to fill in his blue eyes.

"I love you, dad." I choke on my breath, forcing back the emotions that want to flow out of me. You're a man, Sebastian.

He wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a side hug. A manly hug, of course.

I feel two small arms wrap around my waist. Sara giggles loudly. "Yay! I love you." She smiles.

I lift Sara into the air, holding her to my chest. "Wee!!" She cries.

My father laughs loudly, giving me a small pat on the back. "A true man expresses his emotions, whether he wants to or not." He winks.

A true man expresses his emotions. Then why the fuck can't I tell Aria how I feel? Last time I checked I was a man. Yeah, I may be a man but I'm a coward.


   I slip into my seat, rolling my shoulders back.

Mrs. Tera shakes her head. "Tardy again, Mr. Peters? I don't have time for your shenanigans. Exams may be over, but there is still lots of work to complete during your final week!"

"With all due respect, there is nothing to do. I'm only here because my father forces me." I smile sarcastically.

She rolls her eyes and continues typing.

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