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After a few minutes of some time to himself, he collected his thoughts again and stood back up from the couch when he looked at the time. It was almost around the time when Anti comes out, taking over him to kill even more people. He wanted to go to Signe again, but decided to give her some space when he grabbed a quick snack to eat.

Heading to his room again, he was going to text Mark to apologize when a mysterious message came up.

It's never gonna be over.

Immediately erasing it, he was about to put it away when it went off again, seeing it was a message from Signe. Raising an eyebrow as to why she didn't come in and talk to him, he decided to go with it.

I'm sorry...

He wrote back saying: For what?

Sean watched the little text bubble on the bottom left of his phone before her message showed up.

For what I said..I just don't want you to turn yourself in...

Smiling sadly, he replied: And like I said, I don't want to hurt anyone else. It may be the only way, Signe. I know it's hard to comprehend. But it's true.

After he sent that, the pain in his head came back, squeezing his eyes shut as he bit down a yell. Trying to hold on as much as he can, Anti won yet again, taking over him once more.

Standing straight, he cracked his neck on both sides. "You may be strong..but not strong enough."

Heading to his room, he grabbed the knife from one of the drawers on his dresser. Standing next to the wall that separated the rooms, he listened closely,  hearing the quiet sobbing of his girlfriend. Smiling, Anti walked out of his room and over to hers.

Taking a step back, he kicked the door open, causing her to screech in surprise. "Hello, sweetheart."

Signe scrambled upright, heart slamming against her chest. "Now what do you want?"

"The same thing I always want.." He pointed the knife at her. "To kill..and this time..the victim will be you."

She shook her head. "No..it won't be..."

"Really? And how can you be so sure?"

She once again took it upon herself to be the one to approach him, looking at him in the eyes. "Because you're not the only one can fight back.."

Signe kicked him in the groin, causing him to kneel over in pain, and it was the perfect slot for her to start running, bolting out of their apartment. Anti got back up, growling in frustration before going after her.

Sprinting down the steps, she burst through the front door of the building, picking to go left, trying to worm her way through the crowd. Hearing a few people asking what's going on, she shut them out when pounding footsteps were heard not too far behind. Daring herself to look back, Signe saw Anti coming for her, and he looked pissed off.

Immediately going as fast as she could, she darted to her right, blindly running away. Not very many people were in her way, but she still heard him right on her tail.

"HELP!!!" She screamed. "THIS MAN IS TRYING TO KILL ME!!!!"

Turning into another alley way, she came across a dead end, breathing fast and heavily as she whirled around, Anti blocking her way out.

"You really just shouted it, didn't you?" He asked, his breathy voice angry. "Gotta say...I'm impressed."

"Someone needs to take care of it sooner or later!" Signe said, horribly regretting it deep inside.

Chuckling, he backed her against a brick wall, holding the knife to her throat. "Any last words before you watch your own blood pour out from you?"

Tears ran down her face, but she looked at him in the eyes. "Sean...I know you're in there..you have to stop this.."

"Pfft..this again?" Anti laughed.

"Sean come on!" She said, ignoring his comment. "Do you really think you would actually kill these people? It's Anti doing it not you! He's framing you! You know better than this!" A few tears fell down her face. "You wouldn't do this to me..not to someone you love." She added in a softer voice, "I love you, Sean..."

Anti froze, his grip on her slightly loosening, but he laughed again. "Nice try...but it didn't wor--"

He suddenly gasped as if he was being choked to death, falling to his knees, the knife laying on the ground next to him. When he looked up, his eyes were blue again.

"S-Signe?" He breathed.

"Sean." Signe said, kneeling by him. "Are you okay?"

"I..I almost killed you...I saw all of it.."

"Anti, Sean..Anti." She said. "He knows I'm your weakness that's why he tried to kill me."

He suddenly threw his arms around her, holding her close. Relaxing into him, she laid her head against his chest, hearing the rapid thudding of his heart. "I'm just glad you're alright."

Signe smirked. "Me too."

"Freeze!!" A voice yelled, and they both stood up right away, letting go of each other. "Hands where I can see 'em!"

They saw three policemen surrounding the opening of the alley way, their guns pointed directly at Sean as another officer came to Signe. "You okay, ma'am?"

"I-I'm fine. Please let him go! He has nothing to do with it!" She pleaded as she watched him get arrested.

"Then how do you explain this?" Another officer asked, holding up the knife. "Same length as the wounds on the bodies."

"But it..it technically wasn't him! Please let him go!" Tears started going down her face again, this time nonstop.

"Ma'am, this man is a psychotic killer. I'd advise you to please stay out of it as we take care of him." The officer by her said.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you." The one arresting him said, pushing him along to one of the cars.

"Take me with you." Signe said, looking behind her at the officer. "Please..he's my boyfriend."

The officer sighed. "Alright..but you're not going in the same car."

She nodded, wiping away her tears as she followed him to the car. Looking back at Sean, tears of his own were falling down his face, completely terrified.

Climbing in, they drove over to the station, where they'd tell if he's imprisoned, or even worse.

Two more chapters to go! Comment and vote! :)

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