Chocolate's P.O.V
We were all panicking when we heard a voice tell us what's he gonna do.
"Everyone Hold on to each other!" Jenni Told us. So we did what we were told then we saw a boy with a green outfit, white pants, and brown boots he also had blonde hair but then we teleported to the park down the street from school.
"Do you mind telling us what the shell happened back there!?" Raphael yelled and grabbed Jenni by the collar lifting her from the ground slightly.
"Stop it! Put her Down!" I told Raphael. I was so confused and hurt at the same time. Raphael let's Jenni go and pushes her at the process, Creepie-chan, Michelangelo and myself goes near Jenni to see if she's alright.
"It's alright. I deserve that anyways, for the lies and secrets I kept" Jenni told us while getting up from the ground and dusting dirt off her pants. "It's time for me to tell you guys the truth."
"But you don't have to tell us if-"
"NO!!" Jenni interrupted me "I'm done keeping secrets and lying to my friends..." I was shocked at Jenni's outburst.
She then told us everything from when she was little and how she lost lost her family. No one spoke, we just sat there silently 'I never knew this happened to her..' I thought to myself. Jenni then got up and looked at the moon, Leonardo then spoke up
"Jenni we're so sor-"
"For what?!" Jenni turned to face Leonardo, "For not being a human? For not being able to save my family? For what just happened a few moments ago?" Jenni held her head down as I saw some tears slide down her face.
"It's getting late. I'll take you guys home. So uh....who lives the closest?" She quickly wiped her eyes and turned to us with a sad face. We all starred at her surprised and confused.
"What? What are you all of you staring at?" She was looking behind her
"Your eyes.." I heard Creepie-Chan say.
I heard Jenni whisper to herself, but didn't quite hear what she said. Jenni began walking away from us and went towards the swing sets in the park.
"I just wanted a normal life like a normal person. I guess I can't have that either." Before we had to say something Jenni sighed, an exasperated sigh "So who lives closer around this area?"
The brothers said they live a street over the park so Jenni grabbed onto everyone ad teleported in front of a sewer drain.
"Sorry guys but that's as far I can go" Jenni told the brothers.
"No worries Jen but we won't get used to your teleportation powers anytime soon." Donatello simled at Jenni before pushing his glasses up while Raphael just rolled his eyes and made his way down the street. We said goodbye before Jenni teleported me and Creepie-Chan to our houses.
"Farewell" Jenni told us
"Wait!" "Hold up!" Creepie-Chan and I said in unison before she teleported out of sight. me and Creepie-Chan looked at each other with sorrowful looks, we then said goodbye and go to our houses.
I went back to the pizzeria and went inside and shut the door behind me, I sighed and let my ear ear go up but was to stressed and sad so my ears were flopped down in the sides. I made my way where my family was at and saw my cousin Ricky run up to me.
"Aye Lassie! you're back, how was the hangover at Jenni's house?" Ricky smiled at me but then to a frown since he saw my ears flopped down to the sides. "Lassie? what's wrong did something go wrong?" Ricky said in a worried tone.
'Should I lie to him or tell him the truth..?' I asked myself. I sighed before I saw my family walk towards me.
"Coco! sweetie you're back! how's the hangover at Jenni's house?" my mother said while hugging me. I stayed silent.
" something the matter sweet heart? your ears are flopped down in the sides." my father said in a calm yet worried tone. I sighed and decided to tell the truth.
"Well not really..."
"What do ya mean, Coco?" my aunt Toy Chica said. I told everyone about what happened at the hangover at Jenni's house, once they heard me say Jenni is actually the daughter of 'The Slenderman' they all had shocked and scared faces.
"I knew something was up with this Jenni girl" My uncle Marionette spoke up.
"So did I, at first I thought I was wrong since she was Coco's first friend at school" My Father replied back.
"The young Lassie didn't look like the daughter of Slender..." My uncle Foxy said
"You're right about that, Foxy. She looks too innocent to be the daughter of that no face demon." my aunt Bonnie replied.
My father sighed "I knew this day would come but I didn't expect it to be so soon..." my father looked at everyone else "We shall prepare ourselves immediately, who knows when they're gonna come and attack us..." Everyone except me, my cousins and BB nodded
"Wait Father! you're telling me that you knew me and Jenni would meet one day?" I finally spoke up
"Well me and everyone else except you, T.T, Indigo, Ricky and BB knew about this." My father replied "Now you 5 should go to sleep while me and everyone else discuss about something." referring me, T.T, Indigo, Ricky and BB. I sighed
"Yes Father.." BB then walks up to me while rubbing his eyes
"Hey Sis do you think you can stay awake with me until I go to sleep? after all of you talked about this Slenderman person I got very scared.."
I always thought of B.B like my little brother, I smiled at him "Sure now let's go."
When we got to BB stage, B.B went to his position, I of course stayed awake until he fell asleep.
"Goodnight big sis" BB said
"Goodnight little brother" I smiled, soon after BB was fully asleep and in his dreamland and went back to the stage where my cousins are at, I see them all asleep. I smiled and hopped on the stage and went to my position
'Why must our family be mortal enemies?' referring me and Jenni's family. I then soon fell asleep.
GO TO resident_jackie27 FOR JENNI'S P.O.V
GO TO Shadowstarumbreon10 FOR CREEPIE-CHAN'S P.O.V

(ON HAITUS) A Forbidden Friendship: Best Friends Till The Very End.
Fanfictionwhat will happen when three girls that come from a household of rivals go to the same school? Will their friendship be true? What choices will they make when they learn their family's darkest secret? Chocolate= @FNAFGirlGamer112 (Me) Jenni= @residen...