Hope For a Normal Day

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The day started quite disturbing. When I saw Hinata on the way to school, we didn't start running. He just walked up to me with something in his hand.

Hinata said, "Hey, Kageyama."

I asked, "What is it?"

"Here," He simply said. He handed me a pencil.

I noticed that it was one of the pencils I lent to him. It was nowhere near the same condition from when I gave it to him. It had bite marks on it. What the heck?! What is going on? Is he teething or something?

I looked at Hinata seeing shame on his face. Before I opened my mouth, I actually considered how he felt. I took a deep breath in and said, "Is that why you didn't want to give my pencils back? You chewed on them?"

He shrugged and mumbled, "Sort of."

I sighed. I shoved the pencil back to him and said, "You can keep it."

"No!" Hinata yelled. "I don't need it. Keep it!" He pushed the pencil back.

I yelled back, "You already chewed all on it! What's the point?"

"I..." Hinata's voice trailed off. He was usually quick with his words when we bickered like that, but something was really wrong. "If you don't take it back, I'll eat it."

What? Was that a threat or something? Was this idiot really going to do it? It's going to wreck his stomach, and he wouldn't be able to play Volleyball in that condition.

I put the chewed up pencil in my pocket and sighed. "Fine. I don't get you."

"Hah!" Hinata said sticking his tongue out at me. "Now you have the pencil."

I grabbed at his bright orange hair with murderous intent. I growled, "Let's go to practice!" Despite my actions, I was happy to see him back to his normal self.

We went to go change into our gym outfits. As we were changing, I heard Hinata groan. I turned to him seeing him hunched over clutching his stomach.

Oh-no went through my head. What's wrong?

He saw me looking at him. He gave me a weak smile and said, "It's fine. Don't worry."

Suga was in there with us, so he went up to him. He asked, "Hey, are you okay?"

I turned to him and asked, "Hinata, are you okay for practice?"

Hinata nodded, "I'll be fine. It's just a little stomachache."

Suga said, "Okay. Did you eat something bad?"

He answered, "Probably." He seemed hesitant at his answer.

I was worried, but I was also relieved that I took the pencil. I wasn't sure if he actually was going to eat it or not. He stomach could've been in worse condition.

Suga asked, "Do you need to go to the nurse?" He started to rub his back.

He answered, "No. I don't. I will be fine. I promise. I want to practice."

Suga nodded, "Okay. If you aren't feeling good, go to the nurse's office. Got it?"

"Got it." He replied.

Suga patted his and said, "Good. See you in the gym." Then he turned to me and said, "Keep and eye on Hinata." He walked out.

I said in respect for the upperclassman, "Yes."

Hinata and I finished dressing. Before leaving, Hinata grabbed a coffee mug from his bag. As we walked, he was crunching on the ice.

I called, "Hey, idiot."

"Hmm?" Hinata said catching my attention. "Is it my chewing?"

I said, "No, It's fine. Just take care of yourself. If you need help, tell me."

Hinata's eyebrows furrowed. Then he gave me his normal big smile and nodded. He continued to eat his ice.

I was cringing at the sound. Maybe this soothed his stomach? Maybe it just taste good? I wasn't sure, but I didn't stop him.

I was just hoping the rest of the day would be the same as any other day...

I really hoped.

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