Special Chapter: Aftermath

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Hinata and I went to practice. We just got out dressing room with the team. We went to the gym. It was a normal sunny day after school. Hinata and I were happy to get out of our boring classroom. We were eager to relieve our extra energy.

After Hinata left the hospital a week ago, the next day was filled with him yelling, "Throw me a toss! Throw me a toss!" He should've been resting, but I couldn't resist those pleading big brown eyes of his.

Now we were practicing tosses. He had the same energy as usual. We ran around during practice. We did that until Hinata was the first to tap out.

Hinata sat down against the wall out of breath. I was surprise that he was the first one to suggest the break knowing how passionate he is about volleyball. He always had someone forcing a break on him.

I sat down beside him.

Hinata sighed. He had that same cup filled with ice. Where did he even get the ice in the first place? He was crunching on a block of ice at a time. He stopped eating ice for a while, but why did he start now. Another thing, that ice sound is irritating and making me cringe.

Hinata looked up at me and said, "Oh, is the sound annoying?"

I said simply through clenched teeth, "No."

He sat the cup on the floor. He apologized, "Sorry." He seemed ashamed. "I kind of had the urge to eat...."

"It's fine," I said slapping his back. The pat was a little too hard to me.

He rubbed his back side and said, "Are you sure? That kind of hurt."

"Yes, I'm sure, idiot!" I said saying the first thing coming to mind. I was really worried. I didn't want him eating anything he should be eating. Just remembering him eating the nails makes me shudder. I needed to keep watch on him, or I didn't think I could be calm. So I asked, "What are you doing after practice?"

He answered, "I'm going home and doing some homework."

I asked, "Want me to come over?"

He answered me with a question. "Why?"

Okay, this was hard to answer. How was I supposed to tell him I'm worried without telling him I was worried? In result, I came up with: "I know you can't focus on homework, so I am coming over."

He lifted a suspicious eyebrow at me, then he chuckled. "If you are worried, then tell me!" He pushed my arm.

"I'm-!" I started to yell. I exhaled, "I am."

"Aw, Kags! That's so sweet!"

I felt my face grow warm. I muttered, "Don't call me that."

"Aw, you're blushing," he teased.

I turned away, so that he couldn't see my face.

As Yamaguchi and Tsukkiyama walked past, Tsukkiyama scoffed, "Look Kagayama decided to flirt with Hinata." Yamaguchi snickered into his hand. And just like that, they were gone.

Hinata hopped up on his feet and yelled, "At least I have someone to flirt with me!" He pointed at them accusingly.

The two stopped to look at him... and so did Suga, Tanaka, and Ennoshita.

His face grew red.

Tsukkiyama just laughed and continued walking with his cosigner by his side.

Hinata sat down and laughed nervously. He said quickly, "Since you want to come over, you can." He took an ice cube and put it in his mouth as his face cooled down.

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