Chapter 2

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“SHEA! Time to get up! Or you’ll miss your plane,” This made me jump out of bed.

“Coming!” I screamed back down the stairs as I ran past to get to the ONLY bathroom in the entire house.

I ran to the bathroom hoping the boys weren’t up yet as they took forever in the bathroom, thanking the heavens that they weren’t.

I turned the corner and stumbled across my brother Elijah’s room and noticed a small little bundle in the corner, “BUTT FACE!” He jumped up out of bed and growled at me when the thing in the corner started crying in turn waking his mate.

“Go away Shea!” He growled going to the corner of the room where the child slept.

I walked in not bothering to ask permission since it used to be my room until I stole his, “He’s pretty, what’s his name?”

“Get-out!” He said yawning.

“Odd name poor kid will get bullied!” I grumbled as I congratulated my brother and skipped to the bathroom.

“AGH!” I screamed as I looked at myself in the mirror, “I LOOK LIKE FRANCINSTINE'S WIFE!” My brown hair was standing up at funny angles, and my make up from last night was running down my face.

“Don’t you normally,“ Jett asked as he walked past the bathroom yawning.

 “Funny,” I grumbled as I pulled a wash cloth out from under the sink and dampened it and slowly dragging it across my face to remove the old make up.

I’m a simple girl, TRUST ME! Although I didn’t act like it last night I am a total tomboy. But I suppose that growing up with only brothers tends to do that too you. I fixed cars and wore simple clothes; I did chores and bet my brothers for fun.

“Shea! Get your fat ass out of there! Some of us actually want to look good!” I knew that voice anywhere, Brodie.

I smashed the door open and revealed him standing just outside the doors reach, with a giant half assed smirk on his ageing face.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t my favourite brother!” I said sarcastically as I picked up my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth.

“Same to you,” I smiled he wanted a fight and I would give it to him. It was something we did as a brother sister team.

“Morning,” I said walking past him, he grunted before punching me in the gut.

You see it would have hurt if I was a normal person, which I wasn’t obviously, “Good little brother but not good enough,” I smacked him upside the head before sending my foot into the back of his knee cap, making him buckle to the ground.

He groaned but nodded and continued into the bathroom, to do whatever he does in the bathroom. 

I skipped and laughed to myself as I saw the people around me moving like it was any other day. I found myself slowing the pace as I walked past the staircase that held many pictures of my family, including that of a picture of my mum.

“I miss you mum,” I mumbled as I continued to walk down the stairs until I reached the kitchen where a sweet aroma of bacon radiated from.

“Mmmmm, something smells good,” I yawned stretching out my body.

“And so it should, it isn’t everyday my favourite Niece leave to College,” My aunt Catherin said.

I squealed in delight and enveloped her in a hug, “Aunt C! I have missed your cooking! And by the way I am your only Niece, or so I hope,” I grumbled remembering the little monster up stairs.

“He’s cute isn’t he…?” I laughed typical Aunty.

I nodded and stole a hand full of bacon of the fat soaked tea towel, “THAT WAS TO SHARE!” I heard her scream as I took off towards my room again to pack my last bag.

I walked in knowing my dad had been here, however, probably earlier this morning as his scent was weak. I nodded and walked towards the small white letter written in Silver ink,

My dearest Shea,

 I was hoping that your mother would be with me when you were going to leave, it would have been nice of you to meet her, However, she made a decision long ago when she tried to take you away.  I am very sorry I’m not their to see you leave, However, I’m sure Aunt C will take plenty of pictures with you and your brothers.

All my Love your loving Father,

                                                         Dad, Alpha Hunt.

I sighed typical. He always did this and now I knew the reason why. He wanted sons. And ONLY sons. Why’s this you may ask, its because female born Alpha’s, have kind of an annoying trait of being how do we put this, STRONGER then that of our fathers and mothers together. However, we conjoin our strength to our mate, who comes from a LONG line of purebred Wolves.

Kind of cool I guess but not when you find out people only befriend you to get a share of your position amongst the where people.

I packed my last bag and dragged it down the hallway to the front door, opening it slightly and placing them on the front steps.

“Aunt C! Uncle J! BOYS!” I screamed and before I knew it I was being carried in my brothers arms, all of them rubbing their scent on me, for people to know I’m theirs. I laughed these were my brothers, my best friends. Not whom my dad thought we were.

“Don’t leave Shea, I’m sure dad will let you go to the college up the road, who knows maybe your mate is just hiding somewhere close by,” Jett mumbled into my chest.

“Maybe he is in Australia and when I come back, if I haven’t found him you can help me look! ‘Mmmkay?” I sighed wrapping my arms around his maturing body.

He nodded and I released him, taking a large un-nesacary breath I walked towards the door and towards my fate, hoping and preying that my mate would one day join me in meeting my ridiculously large and over baring family. 

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