Chapter 1

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It was just another party, for dad to use me in, the same classical music played, the same food and drink where served the only thing different where the occupants in the room.

“Shealeen I would like to introduce you to a good friend of mine, Alpha Duncan and his wife and eldest son Johnny,”

 I sighed; tonight was going to be another one of those nights. Dad would parade me around the room, whilst I talked to their sons trying to find my mate. Same-ol-same-ol

“What a pleasure it is to meet you Alpha Duncan,” I bowed slightly showing my neck and smiled at his wife, “I do hope you enjoy tonight’s festivities,” Once again I smiled and so did my father.

“What a lovely daughter you have here Tom. My, my has she not grown into a wonderful looking women?”

My dad simply nodded his head, “Indeed she has,” He sighed knowing I hadn’t met him and pulled me into a comfy sideways hug.

“Well I really must be off, plenty of other people to meet, a pleasure seeing you again Fredrick,” Dad smiled before walking off me in tow.

A waiter walked past with a large group of Champaign glasses just yelling out for me to grab one, “Keep these coming,” I sighed into the waiters ear.

He nodded before continuing around the room. Typical, my father throws these parties every few months, after I turned 15 trying to find my mate. It was never the same people from the same places, it was rather funny though dad had a feeling I was to be mated to an Alpha-

“Shea!” There at the front of the ballroom was non other then my Eldest brother Elijah. He was a stunner and I soon noticed the women wrapped protectively in his arms.

“Elijah!” I screamed as I ran to him, I could hear my father laugh and shake his head at the way we where acting it was “improper” but he didn’t mind.

I ran into Elijah’s arms and he twirled me in the air making my long teal dress fly around me, “My, my baby sis, I’m going to have to keep a closer eye on you, especially if you look this good”

Smirking I said, “I have always been this good. Dad however makes me hide it,” This caused Elijah to laugh and mumbled “Touché” under his breathe.

“Now, now who is this delightful creature?”  I asked making sure I kept up my act for the people in the room, otherwise I totally would have gone into a fight with her to see if she was good for the family and Elijah knew this.

“This dear little sister, is Melinda,” He smiled down at her blonde face with so much love it kind of hurt me a little.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Melinda.” I smiled and embraced her in a hug, making sure to remember her scent.

“The pleasure truly is mine,” Even the sound of her voice matched her looks, sweet and motherly.

I laughed and walked towards dad when I heard him opening with my line, “Shealeen, do you remember your Uncle J?” He smiled as he looked towards the tall dark man standing in front of me.

“Of course,” The man turned around but before I could see his face the younger heard of the family, who might I add where not invited entered the room.

I laughed when I noticed the rather large boom box on Tim’s shoulder, “BOYS! What are you doing here!?” Dad’s Alpha voice came out but the boys just laughed and so did I.

“Come on dad, we won’t make to much trouble, will we boys?” Jett was by-far the youngest of all 9 of us, but only 6 of us still lived at home and talked to one another.

The boys all laughed and a bunch of random girls obviously belonging to the large selection of alphas in the room, ran to all my brothers sides, “Yeah dad they won’t be to much trouble,” Conner piped up from his position near the bar, yet again surrounded by women.

Dad sighed before saying, “Only until you annoy me!” The boys laughed and I shook my head my dad was just too easy.

“Your no good at the whole, No, thing dad,” He smiled and kissed the top of my head, which he had to lean down for even though I was wearing high heels.

“Now, now kid,” I smiled I would be leaving him and these rat bags alone soon, going to a werewolf college, according to my dad it helped with Alpha duties.

I laughed and continued accompanying my dad throughout the night, smiling and talking pleasantly with the Alpha’s and their children.  After a few good hours Alpha’s gradually began to leave and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Well I guess tonight wasn’t the night,” dad said disappointed as he shut the door, after letting the last guest leave.

“ I guess not dad, don’t worry, I have my whole life ahead of me no worries yet,” I smiled before walking up the set of stairs and into my bedroom.

To lazy to do anything I quickly changed the dress into a pair of loose pants and shirt and jumped under me green and blue blankets letting the warm feelings of darkness over come me.


OKAY SO hope for 5 Votes before I continue AND HEAPS of comments as they ALWAYS help.

Thanks Courtney 

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