Chapter 2.

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(Y/n) POV

Ace seemed to be getting along with everyone well, no surprise there. He was so polite and nice, how could anyone not like him? He was also really good looking.

"Hey (Y/n)!"

I look up and saw Ace smiling at me. I smiled at him "hey Ace!"

He sat down next to me. "How come your not over there with everyone else?"

I shrugged "I'm not a big party type"

He laughed "with this crew? How do you survive?"

I smiled "there not bad, really. There all nice, and we would do anything for each other."

Ace nodded his head "I guess that's all you really need for a good crew."

"Yeah, there's definitely not any boring moments here"

"What did you want it boring?" He asked laughing.

I rolled my eyes and smiled "your such a dork."

He laughed "I'm glad your happy here. I wish I could see you more though. I offered Luffy to join the Whitebeard pirates, you all were invited to join as well! But he said no, he's got his heart set on being pirate king"

I smiled softly "ever sense we were all little kids. You should have known he was gonna say no! Did you really think he'd give up on being pirate king?"

"Guess your right, I just really wanted to be with you and Luffy again. So I thought it was worth a try."

I blushed slightly but not enough for anyone to notice. "I'm really happy we get to see you now though. I've really missed you."

He smiled "I've missed you too (y/n). More than you know. But at least we're reunited for now."

I smiled. 'For now' I wanted to stay with Ace, but I knew that couldn't happen. He only thought of me as a friend. I looked at him again. His hat sat on his wavy brown hair. He had his cute smile and chocolate brown eyes. And his adorable freckles. I've always loved his freckles, even when we were little kids. I always thought they were the cutest thing. I looked at his hat and smiled brightly having an idea.

"Hey Ace."

He looked at me and smiled "yes?"

I took his hat off his head and gave him a big grin as I put it on my own head. "Hi!"

He laughed "what are you doing?"

I giggled "wearing your hat!"

He smiled "I can see that"

I loved his smile. It was so cute and he was so handsome. "Can I wear it for a while??"


"Because! I like it!"

He laughed "sure, I don't mind"

I smiled again and giggled "yay! Thank you!"


'Oh god I hope I'm not blushing.' I looked at (Y/n) as she smiled and giggled with my hat on. She looked so cute with it. She was so beautiful. I had missed her so much and I wanted nothing more than to take her with me and love her everyday. To always be with her. I wanted her to be mine. But she was with Luffy's crew, not mine. And anyways she only thought of me as a friend.


I was snapped out of my thoughts of (y/n), by (y/n). I looked up at her "yes?"

She giggled "what were you thinking about? You were just staring off into nothing!"

I could feel my face heat up "oh it was nothing. Anyways, let's talk! Its been so long sense I've seen you!"

She smiled and started telling me about the different adventures she had had with Luffy and the crew. Her beautiful smile never faded and her (e/c) eyes sparkled. As it started to get late, I noticed her shiver a bit. She was wearing shorts and a T-shirt. I looked at her.

"Are you cold?"

She shook her head "a bit but I'm okay."

I blushed "I could warm you up if you want.."

She blushed a cute bright pink. "O-oh no Ace! Its fine!"

I smiled "I don't have a problem with it. Come here." I opened my arms for her and used my Mera Mera No Mi powers to heat my body up to warm her.

(Y/n) POV

I blushed as Ace opened his arms for me to cuddle into. I slowly moved and cuddled up to him. My back was pressed against his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. He was really warm.


I looked up at him and smiled nervously. "Y-yes thank you."

He smiled at me and continued to warm me up. I cuddled into him more and closed my eyes.

"Are you tired (y/n)?"

I nodded my head and yawned. He suddenly picked me up bridal style. My arms wrapped around his neck so I didn't fall.

"Ace, what are you doing?" I asked and opened my eyes to look at him.

"You said you're tired right? So I'm taking you to your room so you can go to sleep."

"But I wanna hang out with you still." I blushed "and your really warm."

He smiled "want me to stay in there with you for a while?"

I nodded my head and smiled.

He opened the door to my room and set me on my bed. I shivered when he let go of me and the cold air surrounded me. He grabbed a blanket and sat next to me. He wrapped the blanket around us and cuddled with again so I was nice and warm. I was smiling the whole time.

I yawned "thank you Ace. Goodnight."

"Night (y/n)." He said and fell asleep cuddling me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2016 ⏰

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