Chapter 2:

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Sebastian P.O.V

"NO!" I yell in anger.
All the guys look at me.

"AXEL! Stop trying too kick Alex if he where an angel you would already be dead!...everyone KICKING DOES F*CKING NOTHING!"
All the guys began too whisper.

"Oh yeah then what do you do then if your a f*ucking pro at this crap!"
Everyone moved out of the way too reveal a boy about 19 with short black hair walking towards me.

"Well your evilness" I mock
"You gotta get them on the ground, try too punch them and grab and shoot at there wings, without wings there nothing, without wings there vulnerable"
Everybody began too whisper again.
Laughter fills the room

"And you know this how?!
All you are is a f*cking piece of sh*t who my father picked out of the trash!"
"How can my father be satan the most evil creature in all existence when he picks up trash like you!?"
He continued laughing.
A low growl escaped me as I ran at Lucifer.

"Dont you DARE talk about your father like that EVER!"
I snap.
I look him in the eye too see nothing but amusement.

"Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?
Go cry too..."
I didn't even let him finish as my knuckles collided with his face.

I yell in between punches.
Punch after punch after punch and after what seemed like forever I finally got pulled of off him.
Blood on my knuckles some blood on the floor and ALOT of blood on Lucifers face.

"You'll pay for this you rat!"
I only chuckle

"I'll take you seriously once you actually know how too fight"
Lucifer growls and throws a punch which I easily side step. This continues for about a few minutes untill a very low and loud voiced boomed.

I bow

"Your Evilness"
Lucifer smirks thinking that this would be a great opportunity to act

"Father father this peasant hurt me he hurt me and called you worthless and that he wished too go to heaven!
He should be PUNISHED!!"
A smirk makes it's way on my face as only Satan knew about my past and my hatred for god.
Satan smirks.

"Your right, Guards!"
Yelled Satan.
Lucifer looks down at me and smiles. But his smile soon fades as too what was said next.

"Take my son too the torchering(sorry if this was spelt wrong) chamber"
Multiple "yes my lord's" could be hurd.

"was defending me and my honour"
Satan interrupted.

"But...but I'm your SON!!
"Son or not. You lie too your leader you get punished"
I chuckle and stand up.
Closing my eyes and listening too the yells of Lucifer.

"Sebastian we need too talk"
Oooooh Lucifer got burned
Hey guys ik this was a long and boring chapter but I kinda had a mind blank.
But anywho I hope you guys liked it ^^

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