Chapter 3

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Maggie's P.O.V

(In training)

"NO NO NO!!"
I yelled.
Everyone looks at me.
I sigh

"Look everyone I know you all are trying your hardest and I appreciate that but you all must STOP AIMING FOR THE WINGS!"
Silence fills the room.
It was like that for a few seconds untill a boy around 18 puts his hand up.

The boy looks at me and slowly looks down.

"Um..well why don't we aim for the wings?
They can fly too can't they?"
A sigh escapes me.

"Yes they have wings and yes they can fly BUT the only thing is they don't really use them. Unlike us who train too use our wings and too make them strong there wing are week which means they are not much of a worry but there legs on the other hand, they may not be strong flyers but they are defiantly fast runners"

"And you know this how?"
Everyone turns around too reveal a boy also about 18 with longish brown hair up too his shoulders and blue eyes.

I can't I just can't tell them.

"You what Maggie? Looks like your hiding something from us? A SIN maybe?"
I glare at him.

"The only sin here is you" I snapped. He put his hand on his heart.

"That hurts Maggie bear I thought we had something special"
I clench my fists.
No I cannot punch him I must not sin I think.

"The only special thing between us is the imaginary line that is keeping you away from me"
A low growl escapes his lips.

"Look here Ma.."
"My dear child I do hope you weren't going too commit a sin just now?"
I look up too see our leader our father and our creater...god...

"My Lord"
He looks down at me and smiles.

"My dear Margaret there is no need to bow we are all equal here, please rise"
I smile and rose from were I nelt.
His smile quickly turned serious as he faced his son.

"My dear Child please go and admit your sins and cleanse (is that how you spell it?) yourself for I wish for you too remain in heaven and not have too go down too the depths of hell"
He nods before running over too our church.

"Margaret my dear child I must speak with you in private"
Okay here is Margaret's side
Okay if you guy's don't know yet im doing two different storys at once.
So you can choose too read Magarets side
Sebastians side
Or Both
But soon both will mix and it will be both P.O.V's at some points in the story
Hope u guys liked this chapter.
And I'm not Christian or any of that Im just someone who was bored and thought why not write a story about a battle between heaven and hell so Im probably gonna get stuff wrong.

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