A Bad Day Part 2

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Ash was in the Pokemon Center. His thoughts were swimming in his mind viciously competing for his focus. What did I do wrong? I hope Pikachu is okay. And Braixen and Serena to. Ash's thoughts were interrupted by a Wigglytuff and a large white stretcher, a yellow mouse sat in the middle of it.

Ash looked up from the floor to see his faithful partner staring into his eyes with a reassuring smile. "Pikachu!" Ash said in relief as he got up and ran to the electric mouse. He went to embrace him in a hug but was interrupted when Wigglytuff steps in front of him. "Wiggly." it said signalling to Pikachu's arm with its own pink stub. Pikachu had a bandage carefully laced around his arm. That's when Ash remembered.

Flashback POV

"Pika!" Pikachu yelped in pain as it got sent flying back. That one really hit hard. I watched as he struggled to his feet on all fours. This felt extreme but Pikachu seemed confident enough to continue and I believed in him. "Pikachu, stay strong and use elec-." I was interrupted by a thud, an unnatural thud that caused us all to cringe... All except Wulfric. That unholy sound came from Pikachu. He was now on the floor unmoving after writhing in pain. The referee declared my, no, our loss. I didn't care and wasted no time in rushing over to Pikachu. I picked him up in my arms carefully. That last ice shard hit his arm and the thud he had was enough to leave him unconscious. "Disgusting." I heard in front of me. I slowly looked up to see where that came from. Wulfric stood glaring at me. "You clearly have no regard for the safety of your Pokemon." I couldn't believe my ears. "Of course I care about Pikachu's safety, he is my best friend." I retorted in anger. "Oh really, and is that why you allowed it to continue fighting at critical condition. The fall to the floor has knocked something out of place in its arm. Your a pathetic excuse for a trainer." That made my blood boil. But before I could respond in my fury, I was surprised when someone shouted out from the sidelines. "Your wrong!" Wulfric was almost as startled as me when we looked to the side of the cold gym. Serena had a stern yet sympathetic look, she was giving Wulfric a cold glare that not even the fiercest Beartic could match. "You have no right to talk to Ash in that way, he is one of the strongest people I know and his bond with Pikachu is unparalleled!" She passionately yelled at Wulfric to stick up for...me. I went slightly red and felt a little warmer despite my surroundings. "Serena..." I whispered still in slight shock. As if acknowledging this, her gaze turned to me briefly and gave a small smile before regaining the same expression from before and returning her focus to Wulfric. The large Gym Leader looked at her and sighed. "You are correct young lady." His gaze turns to me and his expression softens. "I apologise lad, I know you are close with your Pikachu, that was clear during the battle... But." He paused. "That doesn't change the fact that your Pokemon now needs serious medical attention so hurry up and get it to the Pokemon Center." I nodded to Wulfric and joined Clemont, Bonnie and Serena at the door. We all ran to the Pokemon Center. I turn to Serena in our rapid jog. "Thanks for that Serena." I said. "Later." She is right, Pikachu needs help.

Ash's Present POV

I looked at Pikachu with a saddened smile. "Buddy, I'm so sorry, I never meant to push you the way I did." Pikachu gave me a smile which I wished I could have returned. "Pika?" He said gesturing for me to respond in some way. Every time I looked at him my attention would be drawn to his injury. I saw the X-Ray, a slight dislocation. I couldn't look at him.

My thoughts left Pikachu for just a moment as i realised that was not the only interesting event about the gym battle. Serena had supported me so nicely. I had never felt that way, at least not as strongly. Did I feel something towards her? I felt sorry for her. In the 3 days Pikachu had been in the center, she had lost her Kalos Queen performance. I could not attend as I was watching Pikachu. She told me she understood and how Braixen was hurt. These past few days have really sucked.

All of a sudden, none other then Serena pops through the entrance to the Center. Braixen had one makeshift crutch and hopped in next to her. "Hey Ash, is Pikachu doing any better?" I stared at her in her winter wear as the snow blew in lightly behind her and settled in her honey blonde hair. I felt myself heating up which would have been awkward had Pikachu not answered for me from behind. " Pika Pi." He beamed at Serena. "Good to hear Pikachu" She aimed a warm smile at him. A smile that melted by heart as Pikachu jumped down to converse with Braixen. Serena came and sat down with me. "How you holding up?" we asked each other.

Pikachu and Braixen's POV

The two Pokemon grinned at one another. "Pi Pikachu" " Braixen Brai" (We need to talk)

Hey guys, if it took me too long to update let me know. College is over soon and i will have some more time. Comment your thoughts i want to be bombarded :). Sorry for all the cold puns i couldn't help it. Also I know that Kalos Queen Performance and the 8th gym badge aren't that close but whatever right? Again thanks for all the support so far. I can't believe that I'm just under 200 reads for Petal Dance. If you haven't defo check it out. Your all awesome. Stay tuned for next chapter. What could Pikachu and Braixen have planned???

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