Mark of Resolve

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So here we are at long last, my first true story is so close to its climax. Between the two of them I am past 1k reads That's amazing. Thanks to everyone who gave them the time of day. I actually make this up as I go along. It is a freedom that fills me with happiness. I have an idea for an Amourshipping one shot book. It will be different to the normal ones however. More on that at the end. Now, without further ado here is the final chapter of Limitless Resolve... Enjoy and comment if you please...

The sun was setting on the Kalosian horizon as the final, solitary sun rays fought defiantly for dominance against the approaching dusk. The forest was shimmering with light and soaked with the remnants of frost from the storm the night before. Out of the gleaming brush trudged a group made up of trainer and Pokemon, who continued their exhausting walk to the Pokemon Center. Ash and Serena ambled at the front of the group with calm expressions and Pikachu taking his classic spot on Ash's shoulder. Following close behind was Braixen and Greninja who constantly had his eye on Braixen. Similarly, Ash had his vision partly fixated on Serena the entire way back as if afraid to lose the honey blonde once again.

Serena's POV

I have to admit, I do feel slightly uncomfortable. So I just went for it and asked Ash what was on his mind. "Ash, you have been staring at me all the way back to the center, what's troubling you?" I asked rather plainly as we entered through the doors of the Pokemon Center. It was such a relief to be out of that endless forest. Ash had a massively unreadable expression on his face. That didn't make me feel better. Suddenly, he just started chuckling and then full on burst out laughing. I raised my eyebrow at him. "Its still sinking in for me that's all." He said with a smile. I gave him a confused face like he knew something I didn't. "Simply put, I am just glad I can enjoy your beauty again." He said with a toothy grin and a slight blush. Of course, upon hearing that, his blush was no match for my own. "Idiot." I replied with a small smile. We both sat down in one of the booths. "But I'm your idiot." He said simply. I realise now he had been trying his best to lighten the mood. Both of us still had our apologies to get out of the way.

We both sat in silence until Ash was the first to speak up. Greninja, Pikachu and Braixen were all conversing a little away from us. "So about earlier, you said we may as well wait till we got back to apologise." Ash spoke with apparent nervousness as if he picked each of his words carefully. "Serena, when you stormed off, I could swear part of me died, I never meant to make you cry, it was a big misunderstanding." "I know." I interrupted. "Pikachu made that abundantly clear. You were under a lot of pressure." Ash passed a glance towards Pikachu and gave a thankful nod to his faithful companion who smiled happily in response. He continued. "Well I'm sorry because I would never willingly hurt you, I care about you so much and I couldn't focus on anything but you in that forest. I just had to know you were safe." We both looked into each others eyes and inched in closer. "Pika Pika!" We heard to our side. I glared at Pikachu for the interruption. Ash was also surprised but he started to madly blush. I assumed it was partly because of our would be interaction and for Pikachu's reaction to his last statement. "Of course I was worried about you to buddy." Ash said nervously while simultaneously stroking Pikachu's head and sweat dropping. Looking satisfied, Pikachu hopped off the table and headed back to the other two Pokemon. I could have sworn he smirked at me on the way knowing he interrupted such a moment between us. I suppose it was my turn although Ash did seem unfinished, his expression said he wanted to say something more. I became hopeful at what that could have been.

"My turn to apologise Ash." I said with a sympathetic smile. He looked at me with an attentive stare. The Pokemon stirred to my left. "I admit, I felt horrible when I heard you say what you said. It broke my heart and I didn't know what to do..." I spoke slowly as the pain became fresh in my mind. Ash looked down with a guilty expression which told me it hurt him just as much as it hurt me if not more. "Of course now I know it was an misunderstanding!" I added quickly to try to make him feel less burdened. He looked back up at me. "I also need to apologise about the way I ran off without telling you. If I hadn't been so childish, Team Rocket wouldn't have put you in harms way and we would never have got lost in the forest..." I choked back a sob but was unsuccessful. I began to cry letting the pain flow down my cheeks. Suddenly, I felt the warm embrace of Ash's arms around my side. He had gotten up to hug me. The tears stopped flowing for a moment as I looked past his raven hair in surprise. Of course I began to blush. "Serena, you have nothing to apologise for, its true I was hurt by your words but I caused you the pain to make you act like that. Now stop crying, I already said that its a sight I dont like to see." He said softly while brushing my head. I hugged him back instinctively. We stayed like that for a few seconds. When we finally released ourselves from the embrace my tears had stopped. Ash wiped his thumb across either one of my cheeks and we both smiled at each other. It was a genuine smile as well. The first true, positive smile in days. No thoughts occupying the back of our minds, we were both fully devoted to that moment.

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