Lost In The Forest Of Thoughts

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Hi guys, sorry for the delay, I have been somewhat distracted lately but no more, this chapter is bigger than normal so I hope that makes up for it. Please vote and comment your thoughts. Once again, apologies for the delay and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Ash and Serena continued to trudge through the near endless forest in search of one another. Clouds began to swirl around in the sky like a battle was raging above, snow was coming. It was like a great labyrinth but if this is the case what kind of monsters could lurk in the shadows...

Ash's POV

The path we were on was still frosty near the grass. It seemed to gleam in a radiant aquatic blue... A blue like the sapphires in Serena's eyes. I missed them and the smile that warmed my heart and soul which always accompanied them. Now what if I never see them again, what if I never see her again... I shook my head of these negative, unhealthy thoughts. I WILL see her again and Pikachu. I will never give up until its over. Braixen seemed to pick up on my determination and picked up the pace towards the crash site. We were going in the direction of where Serena went down. I can only assume she found Pikachu and I know if anyone could survive its her. She's very strong and I know they will both protect each other. It was starting to look bad in terms of the weather, I have travelled long enough to know that the pitch black shadows hovering above are signs of an impending storm.

After some time passed, me and Braixen finally came to a small clearing. This seemed like the general area our friends plummeted from. I took a breath and sat for a moment. First things first. "Braixen how is your leg holding up?" I asked the fire fox. "Braixen Brai Braixen!" She yelled with determination. I smiled, she was just as worried about Serena as I was and we shared the same determination. Suddenly, I had a thought. "Braixen? Do you think Serena knows what I said was a misunderstanding? I mean..." I stopped to see her response but she merely gave me an attentive look as if signalling me to continue. "By now, you probably figured out I care about her great deal. I'm not entirely sure what it is I feel for her but I know its important." I bowed my head down disappointed with my earlier actions. When I lifted my head, I was met with a very mischievous grin from Serena's partner Pokemon. "What?" I asked feeling slightly uneasy." She began to make heart symbols with her paws while leaning on the crutch. I immediately felt my face heating up slightly and she began to chuckle. "You think I...love her?" She nodded calmly. "I dont know, I doubt she would feel the same way." Braixen then winked. I began to blush again considering the possibility. On the other hand, I can't help but remember how I felt when Team Rocket hurt Serena and Braixen. I felt angry before but never like that.

Before I knew it the thoughts began to become a distraction and I was beginning to get confused. I sighed and looked straight up at the oran berry tree. But it wasn't the berries which snapped me of my thoughts and caught my gaze. There was a group of mangled branches out of place on the tree as if something...fell on them. I focused even more and gasped. Right there on the lowest branch was a bit of fabric, more specifically a ribbon. My eyes widened as I climbed up a few feet to reach for it. Braixen looked at me in confusion until I reached the floor and she saw it in my hand. Her face lit up for a second from the fact we now have a lead and then a sad expression took its place. "Braixen..." She uttered solemnly still clearly affected by Serena's absence. I kneeled down next to Braixen, put my hand on her shoulder and gave the same toothy grin I would give her trainer to cheer her up. "Hey, we will find her, I promise, dont give up just yet Braixen." I said with sympathy and a clenched fist. Her face lit up with renewed determination and nodded. As Braixen turned away, I looked down at the ribbon in my hand. I tightened my grip around it and muttered under my breath " We are coming Serena."

Braixen squeaked to get my attention. When I looked over I was surprised by what she was standing next to. There, on the ground, was Pikachu's containment unit utilised by Team Rocket. Except Pikachu wasn't in it. It had a gaping and shattered hole on the one side. Next to some of the debris was a damaged looking rock meaning that it was struck from the outside. This made me sigh with relief, this meant Serena and Pikachu were together when they left the area. I have an idea. "Braixen why dont you sniff the ribbon to see if you can pick up Serena's scent?" I said handing the ribbon to Braixen. She nodded, took the ribbon and began smelling it top to bottom. Her heightened senses must have picked up on something as she pointed in a direction through some of the brush. "Brai Braixen." I got out Greninja's pokeball out and summoned him once more. "Greninja help us find Serena and Pikachu!" I told him as the light cleared. I looked at Braixen and began to chuckle at her now blushing face. She shot me a glare so I looked away nonchalantly. Hey, if me getting angry at how Team Rocket hurt Serena means I liked her then it must have been the same for Greninja as we both shared that feeling of rage when we were synced. I had a sneaky suspicion that she liked Greninja back so I guess I was right. 'Maybe it will be the same with Serena'. Greninja went to check on Braixen's injury before giving her a smile and thumbs up and jumping off into the tree line. Braixen sighed dreamily and I coughed lightly. She gave me another look before following me into the brush.

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