This Love Has Died (Janxx) ~ Chapter 1

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Okay. Hey guys :')

I've finally decided to do a Janxx, because that's what most people were requesting!

This story is set in a time, where the band was not quite formed yet, and the guys are all in school :) (ages range between the guys ages:15-17)

This is my first time doing a Janxx..I will still be doing my Andley fanfic (The Chosen) hopefully updating that this weekend!

Thank you everyone for all your requests, and I hope you'll enjoy this :)



I looked out the car window anad sighed softly. Summer's over and school is starting again..yay..

Andy stopped the car and turned to me with a soft smile "excited?"

"hell no!" I replied with a little chuckle.

andy rolled his eyes but laughed quietly. I smiled and got my stuff then hopped out of the car.

Andy locked the car and starting walking to the school.

I followed him and looked around at all the other people there. I sighed and andy looked at me. "you okay?" I nodded, as I walked through the doors.

Andy had been my best friend, since we were little kids. We have a little group. There's me, andy, CC, and ashley. We are all very close, and tell eachother everything..the only thing thehy don't know about me is that..I'm gay.

I'm just afraid that they'll laugh at me or mock me for it..i mean i know they won't because they are my best friends..but still..i'm not telling them. Not yet.

Andy and I made our way through all the people and walked to the locker area.

We got two lockers beside eachother and threw all our books in.

I kept my english, French and Math book, because they were the first three classes i had before lunch.

Andy was in all of my classes except for french..wich is okay i guess.

"do you know where CC and ash are? we haven't seen them yet" I asked.

Andy shrugged. "We can look for them at lunch. the bell is about to go" At that very moment the bell went off, signaling us to go to class.

Andy smirked "see?" I chuckled and we started making or way to English class.

When we walked in I saw Ash sitting at the back of the room swinging on his chair.

I smiled and called his name, he looked up in surprise and nearly fell off his chair.

Andy laughed and walked over to him "hey dude!" Andy smiled.

Ash stopped swinging on his chair and high fived andy "hey man, i missed you"

andy sat down beside him and smiled "you too"

I walked over and Ashley pulled me into a hug. "how's little jake?" he smiled at me and i chuckled.

"I'm alright ash, you?"

"I'm good!" I smiled and sat down beside andy.

"Have you seen CC?" I asked curiously, and looked over at Ash.

He smiled and nodded "CC's made a new friend" He smirks slightly. "Nice guy, goes by the name of..pinxx or jinxx..somethin' like that"

I smiled to myself. Jinxx..I like it...

what will happen next? 0.o

did you like it..? was it really crappy? don't be afraid to tell the comments below! :D

please comment to tell me if i should continue! thank you sooo much for reading!

If you hvaen't checked out my Andley fanfic, please give it a read ;]



bye guys! c: x

This Love Has Died (Janxx) ~ Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now