The date

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You silently stand there as he walks up to you. The hosts stands still silently watching his every step carefully. He smirks grabing your hand and gently kisses it. You cringe at the feeling of his lips against your hand.

"My lady~" He says smiling charmingly. "You look captivating in that dress" He places another kiss onto your hand before letting it go to pull out a creditcard. You look up at him and silently sigh. You could not believe that you were going out with this jerk tonight. Tamaki then makes one of the worst moves ever.

"Mister, what do you think you're doing?" He says in a light stern voice trying to imitate a girly voice. He stands in front of you placing his hands on his hips.
"I'm going to pay for her dress, move it oldie" You can't help but stiffle a laugh. He really does look old in those clothes and the makeup. Tamaki and the rest of the hosts gasp in choir. "How dare you!? Do you know who I am!?"
"Does it look like I care woman?" He says sighing. Damn, never knew he'd be so mean, okay I take that back... Still, ouch!
"I'm her mother!" He shouts with his femenine voice swinging a punch at him with his hand bag. He hits him in the face with full force making him stumble over into several shelves with clothes knocking them over.
Everything happens so fast.
A worker in the shop then comes over and shouts angrily at him, pushing him out of the shop.

"Tamaki, why did you do that for!?" Haruhi punches his arm. "Don't make a scene!! It's embarrassing as it is with you guys dressed up like that...."

Tamaki pouts and looks down. "I just wanted to help..." The other host members comforts him by patting his back.

You sigh and take the dress with you to the cashier. "How much is this?" The cashier looks up and narrows their eyes at you. They sigh and put down a magazing they were reading. She then says the crazy amount of money that the thin layer of fabric is worth. "I don't have that much money!!" "Well no dress for you if you don't pay for it" Wow, how rude... You sigh and turn around to leave the dress when one of the hosts decide to pay for it. (Host of Choice) smiles gently before giving the cashier the money that is needed. You can feel a blush spread across your cheek. "T-thank you H/o/C" He nods and hands you the dress. "No problem Y/N~"

(Time skip brought to you by The emocorner)

You twirl around in your new dress. The soft fabric feels really nice against your skin. "Y/N! It's time for you to leave!" Haruhi shouts from the livingroom. "Coming!~" You walk out from your room to the livingroom and show off your outfit to your dad and Haruhi. They both smile. "You're so beautiful, just like your mother was" You hug them both. "Be careful okay?" You smile softly. "Of course"

*Le timeskip*

You shift uncomfortably in the small chair at the fancy restaurant. Everyone's eyes are laid on the two of you. You glance over at the entrance hoping for someone to come and save you.

"You look stunning Y/N" Henry says smiling like a prince charming. You slightly blush not knowing how ro handle this situation. Henry's gace travels up and down your body. You cough. "Erm... Henry, may I ask you why I'm here?" He chuckles softly.

"Oh I'm sorry" He pulls out an envelope and hands it to you. "Here, I want you to read this" You open it and read it. Your eyes widden. "Y-you want me to switch school?" He nods, the corners of his mouth twitching into a smirk. "Why? You've already got everything! Besides I have a debt to pay off..." He leans back in his chair. "I want revenge. The hosts at Ouran did something and I want them to regret what they did!" He slightly raises his voice. "No, it's wrong Henry... Revenge is never good! It tears one appart! I refuse!" He shakes his head. "You cannot and you will not, I can off your debt, for both you and your sister, I can even get you as much money as you need" You freeze in the chair.

He smirks once again. "That's what I thought, now, are you in or not?" He hands you a pen. You feel a shiver run down your spine. Should you sign it or not. This could help your family out so much! But no. It didn't feel right. You stand up from the chair and walk away. Henry's eyes stares into your soul. It makes you a little bit worried but you try to shake it off. You thank the waiter at the entrance for the dinner before leaving.

Outside you look around for a taxi to take you home. You suddenly hear someone sprint right at you. You turn around and see H/o/C. You sigh in relief and hug him.

"Y/N Are you alright? I overheard you at the dinner... I'm glad you didn't accept" He smiles slightly. "I've got a car, I'll take you home ju-" Slam! The door to the restaurant slams open and reveals an angry Henry. His blood boils.

"Y/N! Run for the car!" H/o/C shouts. You do as he says and begin sprinting for his car which you recognize. H/o/C follows close after you. The two of you jump into the car and H/o/C drives away from the restaurant.

"T-thank you fro s-saving me H/o/C" You stutter a bit shaky.
"Any time Y/N, now let's get you home" He grabs your hand and holds it tight but gently. You blush and nod.

~Le time skip~

At the door of your apartment you and H/o/C have a small talk. "It's getting late... I should leave" You nod. It is getting late. Almost midnight. But before he can leave you grab his arm and pull him close. You then kiss his cheek.

"Thank you for saving me back there" You smile and blush. The host looks at you and slightly blush. "No worries Y/N, have a good night of sleep" He then leaves. You tiredly open the door to the apartment and walk to your room to only lay down on the bed to sleep without caring about the dress nor the makeup you are wearing.

I'm back folks! I hope you enjoy this, less cringey chapter. I think this is my favorite chapter this far. It's better written and it is just more thrilling than the others. Anyway! The long wait is over now. Please enjoy "Chapter 8 The date"

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