Chapter 17

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"Well then......." Zapp said. "Ya'll are pussies. None of those stories were scary. We still got one more story ta read. Who wants to read it?" No pony raised their hoof. Every pony beside Zapp was shaking very badly. Bookworm fainted during The Experiments of Twilight.

"Guess ah'm readin' this one too."

Something Sweet to Bite

By: Knackerman

A bat flit across the face of a monstrous harvest moon, its leathery wings sweeping through the chill autumn mist, leaving swirls and spirals in its wake. The creature of the night flew back and forth, eating the last bugs of the season. Fat as it was, the bat would need every scrap of weight it could put on before the harsh winter months. Already a few of its fellows had secluded themselves in caves and hollow trees, snug and plump, lost in the half sleep that would last until spring. A moth stirred from the grass, its gossamer wings making it a pale ghost in the moonlight. A quick snap of tiny jaws and the mouthful was gobbled down. With a surge of its wings, the bat flew on into the night. As it neared a barn blazing with light, the creature became somewhat curious. Usually at this time of night the barn would be empty, dark and inviting for one of its kind. Instead the bat could hear the sounds of ponies busily at work inside.

It would've flown closer for a better look, but a sudden chill down its spine made it think twice. An instinct, that even it barely understood, screamed loud and clear in the bats tiny head. Danger! Best to move on and find more prey. Best to find a safe spot and sleep the deep, dreamless sleep of hibernation. Best to go far, far from here to do it. There was nothing here for a tiny bat. Nothing but death.


"Applebloom!"called Applejack, putting the last batch of caramel apples on a tray lined with waxed paper to cool. Benches set up in the barn lined the walls, half filled with the sugar coated fruit. "Where has that filly gotten off to?" she muttered to herself. A cauldron, half empty but for a hissing puddle of sweet brown syrup, cooled over a pile of smoldering coals just outside the barn door. The barn itself was warm and snug, filled with lantern light and the sweet scent of sugary treats. Quite the contrast to the chill night outside. Even so, Applejack couldn't help drawing the cool air into her lungs with a satisfied smile as she stepped out to look for her sister. She loved this time of year. Winter would be here soon enough it was true, and that had its own work and worry, just like spring and summer. But the autumn months, after the harvest, were a time of relaxation and fun for the Apple Family. With the crops in, safe and sound, money would come rolling into Sweet Apple Acres before too long. It was a tradition in their family to share the wealth, and what better way than to provide all kinds of apple themed treats and games for the kiddies for Nightmare Night?

Nightmare Night. It was the first holiday to come after the harvest, so the Apple Family always did it big! Of course, the holiday had always been more about treats than tricks at Sweet Apple Acres. Every year Granny Smith would have tubs set up in Ponyville for the townsfolk to bob for apples. She had taken to turning in early and letting Applejack make sure they stayed full of crisp, delicious apples; Even so, Granny Smith was still an important part of the festival. Every year, since Big Mac was old enough to pull a plow, he'd offer hay rides for the community as well. Even Applebloom seemed to be taking more of an interest in the festivities. Last year she'd gone around with Pinkie Pie collecting candy with her friends, but this year she seemed to be really interested in helping Applejack make up a few homemade treats to pass out at the festival in town. A few of the recipes Applebloom was trying out seemed a mite odd, but Applejack didn't mind trying new things so long as they were able to finish making their batch of usual treats as well. The only problem was, after helping Applejack spear a few apples and dip them in the bubbling caramel, Applebloom seemed to have quickly lost interest and wandered off to do her own thing.

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