Chapter 1

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Zapp Apple lives at Sweet Apple Acres. Her and her parents, which are Applejack and Rainbow Dash, went to Ponyville. This was the first time Zapp Apple has every been in Ponyville. She always wanted to go there.

Every time Applejack and Rainbow Dash went to Ponyville she asked if she can go, but they said no every time expect now. Anyway Applejack and Rainbow Dash want her to meet their friends. So they went to Sugarcube Conner to get a treat for Zapp Apple's first trip to Ponyville. On the way there they stopped by Twilight's castle.

Rainbow Dash knocked on the door. Tap, tap, tap.

"Come in." Twilight said and opened the door. "Who is this?" she asked.

"Come on Zapp Apple. Come meet Twilight." Applejack nudged her in. "She won't bite. But you need to meet her, Spike, Doctor Hooves, and her daughter." Twilight lead them to the main room.

Mythic Diamond and Doctor Hooves were playing cards on the table. They both look up.

"Mommy, who is this?" asked Mythic Diamond.

"This is Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and their daughter, Zapp Apple. Where is Spike?" She repiled.

"He is in his room, Honey." Doctor Hooves got up and walked over to Twilight.

"Mythic, can you go get him please?"

"Yea, be right back." She got up and walked out of the room. She was back in a few minutes and a tall dragon was following her. Zapp hid behind Rainbow.

"He won't bite. Spike, we have some visitors." Twilight said.

"Hey AJ, Rainbow. And who is this?"

"This is Zapp Apple and Twilight we need to show you something." Rainbow Dash replied.


"Come on Zapp Apple. How many apples are there in 123 rows of apple trees if each tree had 12 apples." Applejack said. Once Zapp Apple started pacing back and forth. As she paced her wings shrank and a horn started to sprout from her head.

"There is 1,476 apples which would take 41 days if a pony did 3 trees a day." Zapp Apple replied.

"Um, wasn't she just a Pegasus right before you gave her that question?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, and watch this. Zapp can you go and get 10 apples from the farm and be back in 5 minutes." asked Rainbow Dash. Zapp took a deep breath and the horn shrank and her wings were back and she took off. She was, indeed, back before 5 minutes.

"Now can you do 10 push ups with the apples on your back."

"Rainbow Dash, isn't that to much for her?" Twilight asked. Zapp took another deep breath and her wings shrank again, but instead of becoming a unicorn she was a earth pony and did 10 push ups with 10 apples on her back.

"Wow. How can she do that?" asked Twilight.

"We don't know, but it has helped on the farm a lot." Applejack said.

"Hey Zapp, you and Mythic go play. The grown ponies need to talk." Rainbow Dash told Zapp and Mythic. They ran off to Mythic's room.

"Why does your mom have wings and a horn?" asked Zapp.

"Because she is one of the 6 princesses." Mythic replied. They played cards and talked in Mythic's room for about an hour or so. Then they heard a knock and Doctor Hooves trotted in.

"Come on. Zapp it is time for you to go."

"Bye Mythic. See you later, hopefully."

"Bye Zapp." Doctor Hooves and Zapp Apple went to the door. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Zapp Apple said their good byes.

Once they got to Sugarcube Conner they ordered a cupcake for each of them and Rainbow whispered something into Pumpkin Cakes ear and she nodded. She told Mr. and Mrs. Cake the three cupcakes and went up the stairs. A few minutes she came down with a foal and a pink pony.

"DASHIE!!!! AJ!!!!" The pink pony yelled and ran over to and Rainbow Dash and Applejack and hugged them. "It is good to see you again my good friends." That is when she noticed Zapp Apple. "And who is this?"

"That is Zapp Apple. And where is--"

"BOO!!" Applejack jumped.

"Never mind. Zapp, this is Gypsy Paradise and Pinkie Pie."

"Hello." she whispered.

"Hi. I have never seen you before." Gypsy said as she tilted her head. "Oh, I know." She whispered something into Pinkie's ear and she nodded. Then Pinkie told Applejack and Rainbow Dash they both nodded.

"That would be a great idea. Do you think you can do it tomorrow?"

"Yea we just need to get the supplies and plan and many more things. Come on Gypsy, we need to start planning this." Pinkie and Gypsy both bounced up the stairs. After that they had their cupcakes and headed out.

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