41 // Judgement pt. 2

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Damon's P.O.V.

Fuck him.

I stick my hands into the pockets of my jacket and continue walking along the side of the road to a nearby park that I saw before around this neighbourhood.

It's now that the continuous flashbacks of my dad's previous comments about what I should be doing with my life flood my mind and I can't help but smirk at each one from how stupid it was of him to say such things.

When mum left in my childhood, I asked my dad why she did.

He scoffed and walked away from me to say, "Your mum left us because she wanted to, not because I did anything wrong. Don't blame me for this."

When I was in primary school, I told him about the crush I had on one of my classmates.

He laughed and continued watching the TV, "Damon, wait until you're older to tell me about the girls you think you like. Right now, you really just think their pigtails make them look 'cute' today and think that's what makes you like them."

When I was in middle school, I told him
about how I let a girl in my class take my only pen when she didn't have one.

It was such a simple gesture, yet he still found it something to roll his eyes at and tell me, "And what were you going with by doing that? Did you think she would even give it back to you? Good job. Now go find something to write with at school."

But the most of all was when I tried dating girls in High School and he didn't even bother looking at me when he said,
"You can have fun now, but don't think you're ever gonna get a real girlfriend you care about if you sleep around with them
every other week."

And I only had sex once when he said that at the time, but of course, he didn't know that.

Running my hands through my hair, I try not to blame my mother leaving us for why my dad took out his hatred on my personal life throughout all of my teenage years. Blindly searching for the pack of cigarettes I thought I had in my pockets, I can't find even one and give up.

"Fuck", I curse at myself.

And for everything, really.

The park I was looking for finally came into my view on the corner of the street and I calmly walk towards it in hopes that no children playing there will bother me too much.

When I suddenly hear quick steps running behind me as I walked through the lane.


I hear Jo's voice call out to me from afar as if she had been running all the way here, and my guess was correct when I feel her practically crash into me hard from behind, her arms tightly wrapping around my waist in an instant.

"Since when could you walk so fast, damnit?", she pants through short breaths and loosens her hold on me as I turn around to face her and cup her worried face in my hands.

"Jo, fuck, why are you here? Don't tell me you actually chased after me, because you didn't have to do such-"

"Damon, are you kidding me?", she interrupts me with a wave of hands, "You're worrying about my unfit level of running skills when really I'm the one who should be worrying about you."

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