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Lucy's POV

The train had just reach its destination. We got off the train and walked to my old house.

Wendy, Lissana and Cana were with us. Cana found out about our pregnancies the last minute and decided to come with us since Kinana had to stay back to help at the guild. Kinana was going to replace Mira as long as we were gone which leaves her with a lot of duties.

We reached my family's mansion.  We met up with the man who owned the place now and we bought it. After that we enter our new home.

I show to the girls the rooms because I knew the place really well. I took my old bedroom and the girls took the rooms next to mine. Nobody used my parents' old bedroom.

All of us settled at our new rooms. Then I came in contact with the old stuff of the house. I wanted to make sure they were all right. Mrs. Spetto was shocked after I told her what is happening to my life right now and decided to come back to help me.

The day ended and all of us went to sleep.

The following morning

I got up from bed and I went to the kitchen. Nobody was there so I guessed all of them were sleeping. I decided to make breakfast. Wendy and Lissana went the previous day to buy things we might need from the town, so I l used some of them to make breakfast.

I made toasts, eggs with bacon and some pancakes. Also, I made some juice and I poured milk in cup of glass for Wendy and Carla. And don't forget Cana's booze.

I finished the breakfast just in time, because that's when everyone came in. They saw the breakfast that I prepared and were amazed. Everyone of them had stars in their eyes.

"Wow! Lucy-chan! Did you make all that for us?" Wendy asked.

"Of course silly! You are my family. And we take care of our family as much as we can!" I answered them.

We had a group hug and after that we ate.

"Oh Cana! Here's your booze! And Wendy here's yours and Carla's milk!" I gave it to them and they thanked me. After we ate the girls washed the dishes and I took the opportunity to search the house for things that my parents left or anything else.

First I went to my father's office. I was afraid to go there from the memories I had but I had forgive him a long time now. I searched it and I found a few things. I found a letter from my father for me and a box he had left with it.

I opened the letter and read it.

"Dear Lucy,

If you read this, then you took back our house. I'm really happy and proud for you. I don't know how many years it has been since we lost everything but I want you to know something.

I love you, my daughter! And you are the most happiest thing that happen to my life. Well, you and your mother.

I want you to have a happy life. I want you to find a man you love and make a family with him. That's probably the last thing I'll ever ask from you. To be happy.

I don't know where I will be when you read that letter but it doesn't matter.

In the box you'll find your mother's rings. The one of our wedding and the one which I gave her when I proposed to her. Please keep them safe. I know your mother would want you to have them.

With a lot love,
You father!"

Tears runned down my cheeks. I love you too father!

I opened the box and I found the rings. The first one was a gold wedding ring. I took it in my hands and read what was written in the inside.

"I promise to love you, even in the afterlife-Jude and Layla Heartfilia"

My mother had told me that this was the last sentence of their vows when they got married.

The other ring was also a gold one but with a diamond on It. It had also had my parents names on It.

After that I went at the attic. There I found an old portrait of my family. I also found my mother's diary. I put it in my bag and promised to read it later. I looked some more and I found my old doll, Michelle, and a really old photo. It was before I was born. In the photo was my mother and father, but with a boy almost at the age of 10. Who was he?

After that I got back to my room to prepare for my first check up with Wendy.

Hey guys! What do you think about the story? And who do you think the boy was in the photo?

I don't have anything to say, so I'll go now.

Until the next chapter,

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