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Lucy's POV

"Is there anyone else who has good news for me? Except Mira" I asked them. I looked at the girls who were around me. Mira, Erza, Juvia and Levy. All of them were blushing. Only Mira was smiling.

"G-Gray took me and Storm out for Lunch." Juvia started.

"Aaaand?" All of us had our attention to Juvia.

"Well, while we were eating

Juvia's POV

Storm had just taken his guild mark. Raven blue in his chest. Well that reminds me of someone.

He came to me and together We sat at a table. We were talking about things like his crush, Nashi, and his frenemy, Luke.

"Hey mom. I'm hungry!" Storm told me.

"Ok. Lets go eat something. Normally we would eat here But Mira has her own problems to cook" I saw her leaving with Junior, Lauren and Miranda a while ago. And seconds later Laxus followed. I hope they are ok.

Storm got up and together we started walking to the door. I had my hand around Storms shoulders. That's how we walk in the street.

"Juvia" we stopped I didn't move. I just stoped there, frightened. What will I do? I take Storm and run? No! That's not a solution. I look at my son.

"Is everything all right, mom?" He asked me worried. I didn't answer. Oh how much I wanna run. But I have to face him. I close my eyes and take a deep breathe. A tear escapes from my eyes but I wipe it.

I remove my hand from Storm's shoulders and turn.

He has change one bit! He is the same idiot, stupid....gorgeous guy that I love.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Who's the kid?" He asked while pointing at our son, the one He didn't knew he had. I look at Storm and smile at him.

We've talked about it and he knew that when I smile to him like that, then we are talking to his father. Also, I don't know if I mentioned it but his full name is Silver-Storm Fullbuster.

Storm took a step forward.

"I'm Silver-Storm Fullbuster. Son of Juvia Lockser. I've never met my father but I use magic same as his, Ice make magic. Though I only know some of the basics. You can call me Storm" He introduced himself. I looked at Gray. He was looking at the ground. He look sad and....guilty? Why would he feel guilty.

"You did a great job raising him. I would have down the same" He said And I nod.

"Do you need anything else? We were going to eat" I talked him. Then he hugged me. I don't know how but he did.

"I'm sorry for what I said. I missed you Juvia" he said. W-what?

He broke the hug and looked at the kid. He took out his hand for a handshake.

"I'm Gray Fullbuster. I have mastered ice make magic and I really love your mother" He introduced...wait! H-he loves me? Storm smiled like never. He is happy.

"Mom, can he come and eat with us?" Storm asked.

"I-I" I shattered. Way to go Juvia!

"Yeah of course I'll come! Come on. It's my treat!" Gray said while putting his one hand over my waist and the other on Storms shoulder.

Then my son's eyes lighted up while I blushed. 'Damn you and your awesomeness Fullbuster!' I thought.

We left the guild and went to a restaurant. While we were waiting for our food Storm asked "will we now be a family?"

End of flashback
Lucy's POV

"And what did you do then?" I asked Juvia while I was resting my head on my one palm.

"We told him that we don't know and that we will see" Juvia explained.

"What happened after that?? Where did you slept?" I asked one last question.

"Well I wanted to go to the Fairy Hills but boys aren't allowed there. Gray talked me that Storm could sleep by his place and I go at Fairy Hills if I wanted. If not I could stay at his place. There's no way I would left him alone with my son!" She said. Then I noticed one dark aura behind her.

"He is my son, too. You know?" It was Gray. Juvia sweat dropped. She turned and looked at him.

"Oh really? If you wanted him, You could have say so when I told you I was pregnant. The way you rejected me, called me annoying, almost hurting me and leave me crying wasn't a way to act. You have no idea how much I changed. It's not only the third person talking and the stupid 'Gray-sama' I used to call You. I'm a completely other person. So you'll stop those nuisances of yours or you will only see your son from the other corner of the guild. Its you choice." Juvia turned to walk away But she saw Storm standing there. Hearing and watching everything. When did he get here??

"S-Storm?" His mother called him. Gray was looking at the ground but when he heard his son's name he raised his hair with surprised.

"Is it true?" He was looking at Gray. "is it true what mom said? About how you treated her?" He asked him.

"Y-yes" He answered "but I have regret" he continued. Storm didn't answer to that. He looked at Juvia.

"Why?" He asked her "why did you spend almost every night of my life telling me stories about him? Why did you made me believe that he was an honorable man? Why did you make me love him and believe that when we got here we would be a family, although all he did was hurting you?" Sentence by sentence he was raising his voice and at the end he was yelling.

"What?" Gray asked but Storm didn't turn to him. He was looking at his mother, who I think was on the verge of tears. Now all the guild had his attention at us.

"E-even t-though h-he s-said those things and I almost lost my child because of his hit" "what?" All the guild including us said us. The only one who didn't seem surprise was Wendy. "I still love him!" She confessed "I tried to hate him with all my heart. I tried to turn this love I had for him into hate. But as you were growing up He resembles him a lot. And that was why I couldn't forget why I loved him. Why I couldn't make you hate him." Gray and Storm were both surprised. Gray guilty, too. Juvia started crying and left the guild. Gray behind her. Storm was ready to follow them but Gajeel, who was closest to him stopped him.

"Let your parents fix their problems alone. Don't get in their way." Storm looked sad But agreed. Then he came and sit at our table.

Hey! I woke up in the middle of the night and I didn't have anything to do so I finished the part.

The next part is going to be Gruvia, too.

Anyway, I'll try go back to sleep Now.

See ya

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