Everything about Young.

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The vampire young includes every young child from baby to teen. When a child is born, they are assigned a six by two room with only a pink or blue crib and a door. The room is the color of the babys gender, pink for girls and blue for boys.
When the young one ages up to a toddler, expand the room to four by six. You can put toys in the room, keep the crib, add a high chair, a potty chair, and anything else you can fit. Toddler young must be taught every skill by those willing to care for them. Mostly slaves care for the children, what else are the for?
When the young ages up to a child, keep the room the same size. Get a bed that is the childs color, a desk, and a bookshelf. The child must get A's in school and cannot talk to anyone at school. They are not allowed to sign up for activites and certainly no field trips.
When the child ages up to a teen, move them into the fledgling building. They must have their color bed still, a desk, and their skill object. They are not allowed to touch it until they are a fledgling, but they are allowed to live in the building. Teen young must get A's in school and they may get a part time job.
Young may not attend meetings, or leave the lot for any reason but school and their jobs.
Each child may get a mini fridge to drink plasma out of.
Teen youngs must follow warriors on the hunt, use cheats to raise their hunger bar if their parents feed.

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