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This couldn't be happening. It was just a really, really bad dream. Then why wasn't I waking up?! And why did this just keep getting worse?! I could distinctly feel tears pouring down my face but I ignored them.

Edward. And a woman. Together in bed. Well naked in bed. Together. Oh my lord. My head couldn't get wrapped around this idea. How and why?

"Bella. This is Jessie. My wife." He said looking down at me. My eyes got wider by each word that came out of his mouth.  His eyes bleed with pain. His eyes became overly-bright. His chin trembled.

"She's your what? The who? The wife? Wife. She's the wife." I yelled walking in circles

Heart-ache ripped right through me. How could he?! Then again how could I have been so stupid? I should have stayed away. I should have never forgiven him for what he did to me! And yet I forgave him straight away. Because I was stupid. I really believed that he loved me. Obviously, I was terribly wrong. I was just a distraction. His words that were just said, makes this the worst night of my life.

A hiccough escaped my throat. The nightmare came to a dead stop. But I wasn't waking up because this wasn't a nightmare. This was all real. There stood Edward, my love, and Jessie, half naked, staring at me in horror. They had been caught. Red handed at that.

Edward took a step towards me but I stepped backward. His face showed distress and as he closed his eyes, drops slowly ran down his face. He had wiped them so much they were red and swollen.

"How could you do this to me? How? To me? You did this to me." I let out a blood-curling scream. I was sure that would have awakened the neighbors. Or the dead. My heart was panting. I was sweating profusely.

"Don't come near me!" I let out a blood-curdling scream as he turned to face me.  

Edwards' face fell. Jessie threw the bed sheet around herself. Edward stepped towards me again. His voice seemed caught in his throat as he struggled to form the words as the tear rolled down his face he sobbed into his hands.

"Why me!" I choked

"Love-" I suddenly saw red. How dare he have the nerve to call me love?

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! I am not your love!" Edward took another step towards me. Then I screamed. I screamed and screamed. Hopefully, someone would hear me and come running.

"I'm his wife! Who are you?"Jessie came up to me looking bewildered

I looked down at her, "Apparently I'm the Mistress. I'm his mistress. The one you were just fucking. I'm Bella nice to meet you." I said sarcastically as I was about to pull her hair out of her scalp.

"We're staying together," he promised me. "You're not getting away from me. Never again." I looked at him with confusion and fear.

I suddenly felt a strong hand on my shoulder. The hand pulled me backward. Then I realized the hand belonged to Emmett. Emmett shoved me gently behind him and then went into a crouch. Edward growled.

"Emmett get out of my way. This has got nothing to do with you" Emmett laughed harshly. It was a horrible sound. Not because I was scared but because no such noise should be coming from Emmett. He was too kind to have such a noise in him. When Emmett spoke it was like ice, not the happy sound I was used to.

"Yea, you're right. She's your wife you were fucking. And that's Bella, the girl that came to me crying yesterday because you weren't answering. Since when were you married!" Emmett turned to him, "Edward, how could you?"

"Emmett, I'm so-" But Emmett cut her off.

"No, you're not. How long has this been going on?" Jessie suddenly looked scared.

Same Old Love (Part 2 of Forbidden)Where stories live. Discover now