A Dark Path

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[Chapter 1]

With every breath you took the air seemed to chill you to the bone, the darkness leaving you empty inside.

You let out a long exhale showing your boredom, a small, transparent cloud puffed out of your mouth and was slowly engulfed by the darkness.

You blindly wondered the streets that the Port Mafia had 'claimed' as their territory. Your gifted ability and your fighting skills left you high in the ranks of the Port Mafia. You were an outcasted child from an orphanage and was coldly invited into the Port Mafia at a young age. People knew you as a cold hearted and emotionless person that would kill without hesitation, their harsh opinions weren't far from the truth though.

You sat down at the edge of a small old bridge gazing down at the water that managed to shimmer from the little moonlight that seeped down through the patches of clouds. The water seemed to mesmerize you, keeping very little grip on the rail that prevented you from falling into the icy water, you dangling your feet carelessly while analyzing your surroundings.

The harsh sound of shoes against the old, rusty bridge filled the air and slowly began to grow louder as the shadowy figure approached you. You transferred your attention to the person a few foot steps away from you.

You could now clearly see him, he stood next to you looking down at you and smiling casually.

He had brown hair that was slightly wavy with bangs that covered the center of his forehead. He covered his tall and slim figure with a long tan trench coat that stretched below his knees, under that was a black vest that hid a striped dress shirt. On his chest was a turquoise pendant that was held together by a brown ribbon, it fit with his clothing almost perfectly. But what stood out on him the most was bandages that neatly stretched along his arms and his neck.

After quickly analyzing his features you stood up and brushed off your hands. You found it suspicious for a normal looking citizen to be taking a brisk walk this late at night, not to mention how cold it was.

"Ah, you must be [Y/N]!" The man said joyfully, sounding interested. You decided not to respond but instead ponder who he was and how he knew you. He smirked from your slight confusion "My name is Osamu Dazai, I am a member of the Armed Detective Agency. You can call me Dazai if you'd like."

It then clicked, he was once a member of the Port Mafia but had fled during a mission and joined the Armed Detective Agency. You knew well that he was strong and was gifted with a useful ability. The Armed Detective Agency had been the very enemy the Port Mafia despised, you had never been face to face with one of the members before. Dazai leaned closer and inspected you closely.

"Wow [Y/N], I knew you were strong but I didn't expect you to be this young." He smirked slyly "You remind me of how I was." He said casually, this irritated you.

He was the Port Mafia's enemy and he spoke to you like any other person would. You were already fed up with this man and started to doubt all the the rumors you've heard about him.

Without any hesitation you quickly leapt towards him and directed your first blow towards his face. Inches before your fist was able to land he grabbed your wrist and lifted you over his head, you were quickly slammed to the the hard ground directly on your back. All of the air seemed to escape your lungs, you gasped for air and quickly got on your feet making sure you were a safe distance away from Dazai. You couldn't help but cough and struggle for air. You heard a soft chuckle from Dazai.

"You sure are light, [Y/N]." His cocky tone irritated you. "I've heard rumors that you have a rare ability, is that right?" You didn't answer him, you honestly didn't want him to find anything out about you. Dazai smirked.

"Your ability is Loot, correct?"

He was right, your ability was Loot. It allowed you to mimic any ability you've seen just as if it was your own ability. Your silence seemed to satisfy him, he kept a steady and calm gaze on you that oddly made you uneasy.

He smiled warmly and began to walk away. "That is all I needed to know, thank you for your time [Y/N]." Before he passed you he stopped next to you and spoke in a hushed tone. "The Port Mafia doesn't suit you very well. You'd fit in nicely with the Armed Detective Agency."

Before you could protest he was already too far away from you. His words echoed in your head. "You'd fit in nicely with the Armed Detective Agency." You scowled at the thought of working with them.

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