Chapter 1

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So since you guys have seemed interested in reading it here you go!:) Don't forget to comment and vote! Thank you!


Lexi’s POV


             Glancing around the cafeteria here at school and as usual I sit alone separated from the rest of all the blabbering bodies around me. No one has ever noticed me, which doesn’t bother me in a way since I’m not the social type, I mostly keep to myself and everyone leaves me alone. So Here I am just minding my own business and listening to my music eating by myself when some short blonde girl walks up and is standing across from me holding her food tray with her bag over her shoulder. She wasn’t just some short blonde girl… she was a really pretty girl with gorgeous green-blue eyes and long blonde hair that cascaded down her shoulders perfectly with beautiful curls that bounce whenever she moves. Oh crap was I really just staring at her?! Ah! I hope she didn’t notice…darn it now I’m blushing. Then I hear one of the most beautiful voices I’ve ever heard in my life. “Hi…um is it okay if I sit with you? I’m new here and I don’t know anyone..”She spoke hesitantly. “Sure. Take a seat.” I gave her a friendly smile as she sat down. “Thank you.” She says smiling back at me. Gosh even her smile melts my heart.

            The bell sounds signaling the start of school and telling everyone to go to first period. Just before I move to stand up, the beautiful blonde slides her schedule in front of me and points at her first class on the list. “Do you know where this is?”She asks with a worried tone. As I glance at her schedule I see that she has three classes with me, and of course first period is one of them.”Just follow me. We have first, fourth and seventh together.”She smiles letting out a sigh of relief and extends her hand as she introduces herself.”Sorry I didn’t introduce myself earlier you just looked so busy and deep in thought, I didn’t want to be a bother. I’m Gabby. What’s your name?”She smiles and I take her hand and shake it friendly. Damn her hands are so soft! “My name is Lexi. It’s nice to meet you Gabby.” I smile at her and look into her beautiful eyes and I can’t help but notice a light blush appear on her cheeks. Gosh she is so cute when she blushes. What am I talking about a beautiful girl like her is probably straight, and since I have never seen a lesbian with that kind of beauty before it would be very hard to find out if she was…hmmm I can only wonder. As our hands pull away her fingers linger a little longer before her arm falls back to her side. “ Ready to go to your first class?”She grabs her bag and smiles confidently.”Yes I’m ready. Let’s go.” She smiles that smile that melts my heart and this time she notices. “Lexi…are you alright?”She asks with a worried tone and looks at me with concern in her eyes. “Yea..I am okay. Let’s go we don’t want to be late on the first day of school.”

Why would she be so worried about someone she just met? Why would she care for someone she hasn’t even known for ten minutes? The way she says my name is so sexy and it makes my core tingle with excitement. What is going on with me!? I can’t possibly be attracted to the beauty I just met…how is this even possible? Am I just that damn easy? There is no way that I am…maybe this girl is special and I just don’t know it yet…I guess only time will tell. Wait…in first period she kept stealing glances at me and she would blush whenever I would catch her. I think she wanted me to catch her though because she kept doing it. Maybe she does like girls…hmm and I think I know just how to find out.

The fourth period bell rings and I decide to sit on the opposite side of the room and I never take my eyes off of her. When she noticed that I was continuously watching her she winked at me. Holy crap! This beautiful girl I hardly know was flirting with me! Am I imagining all this…? After class ends she walks up to me and grabs my hand gently and pulls me aside in the hall. She pulls me close and whispers into my ear,  I can’t help but shiver as her warm breath surrounds my neck. ”Yes darling I am a lesbian. In case you wanted to know.” Her lips brush against my neck as she pulls away from me and leaves me standing there in complete shock. My face heats up and I am so tempted to chase after her but I’m so shocked that I can’t even move. I touch my neck where her soft lips had just been. I couldn’t keep back the smile that went from ear to ear on my face.

Damn…I still can’t believe Erin kissed my neck. I would give anything to have her touch me again, her hands were so gentle and her lips so soft as they brushed against my skin. I can’t believe she is a lesbian though! A girl that beautiful and she likes girls?! I must be dreaming!”Hey there Alexis. ”I jump at the sudden sweet sounding voice behind me. I turn quickly and there she is standing right next to me leaning against the lockers and not caring that I see her look me over. Her eyes meet mine and she bites her lip in a seductive way and I can’t help but walk towards her, I am completely lost in her eyes as she calls me over to her. I can’t keep my eyes off her body,  I look her over and admire her curves and even her being so short makes her that much more irresistible. Now we are face to face and she suddenly spins me around and gently pins me against the lockers.

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