Chapter 4

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Hey guys!:D Sorry it took so long but I hope you like this chapter!! Please enjoy!! Please dont forget to Like and Vote it makes me happy:) Have a great week everyone!! 

~ErinHarger1 =^.^=

Gabby’s POV

 Seeing Lexi’s gorgeous dark brown eyes staring into mine I couldn’t help but smile, “Hey there Lexi.” We stand up and Lexi walks towards me leaving her bag on the floor. “Gabby…I have been thinking about this moment for last forty-five minutes.” Without another word she gently pushes me against the wall and her lips crash onto mine. A small moan escapes my lips as we kiss each other passionately. I pull away just enough to speak briefly, “I also thought about this all during sixth, that’s why I was walking towards your class.” Returning my lips to hers I feel her tongue slide against my lower lip begging for access, and I immediately respond by parting my lips giving her the access she desires.

As I force myself to pull away from her irresistible lips I hear a small whine escape her, and I know she wants more, and so do I but this was not the place nor the time for it. As I look around several people are watching us, and one of the boys who is watching walks up to us, “Hey why did you two stop making out? That was fucking hot!” he smirks at us both, and before I could say anything Lexi takes hold of the situation by getting in his face. “We aren’t gonna do it just so you can watch us like the little prick you are. So turn around and fuck off. Oh and if you’re really that interested go watch some porn and keep us out of your fantasies.” His jaw nearly drops at her sudden outburst.

After picking up our bags and going to seventh period we exchanged phone numbers and made plans to meet up sometime during the weekend. When the day had finally ended we both said our goodbyes and headed home. “Gosh I miss her already!” I mumbled to myself after walking away from her trying to fight the urge to turn around and run back to her.

Getting home I still couldn’t get Lexi off my mind, every second I thought about her I couldn’t help but wonder if she was thinking about me too. Remembering that I was going to see her tomorrow was when I really couldn’t help but start smiling like a fool. It also meant that I wasn’t going to get much sleep tonight.

Waking up to see that it is now 9:30am on Saturday morning was the best feeling ever!! I couldn’t contain my excitement, and I had literally jumped out of my bed and threw some cute clothes on and ran outside to my car. Lexi and I made plans to meet up today around ten and I didn't want to be late.

Pulling into a parking spot at Panera Bread I quickly get out, and I can’t fight the smile that appears on my face at the mere thought of seeing Lexi again. As I step away from my pearl white Toyota and head towards the building, before I can even reach the door Lexi runs out and jumps into my arms kissing me, and without hesitation I wrap my arms around her and kiss her back sweetly.

Spinning her around, I pull her body closer to mine before whispering into her ear softly, “I couldn’t wait to see you darling.” Lexi smiles at me and looks into my eyes lovingly. Lost in each other’s gaze we get snapped out of it as a car blares its horn loudly, and a man throws his fist out of the window and yells angrily, ”GET OUT OF THE FUCKING ROAD!!” Grabbing Lexi’s hand I pull her out of the way quickly as we run for the sidewalk to get out of the road.

Watching the man drive off I turn back to Lexi and giggle, “Well he sure looked happy didn’t he?” Lexi chuckles and nods agreeing. “Some people need to just take a chill pill.” Giggling I look into her gorgeous brown eyes, “Why don’t we go somewhere more private so we can talk Lexi?” She smiles at me with her intoxicatingly beautiful smile, “Sure hun, where did you want to go?”

Thinking briefly I consider multiple options and there was one place that seemed the best place to go. “Yeah I know where to go but it’s a surprise.” Lexi whines and pouts, “But I don’t like surprises.” Smirking I wink at her and lean in close to her and whisper into her ear, “Well you will love this surprise Lexi.” I purr into her ear and smile seeing her shiver at my words.

“Fine, I’ll go with this one but I still don’t like surprises.” She whines. “Alright we’ll take my car.” Bouncing excitedly I grip her hand and pull her towards my car.

Opening the passenger side door of my car for her she slips inside and I quickly close it behind her and jump into the driver’s seat. “Ready?” I look over at her as I start my car, “As ready as I’ll ever be I guess.” Shrugging slightly she sits back in her seat and smiles at me.

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ 

After driving for almost an hour I pull off the main highway and onto a narrow dirt road that climbed up the mountain side. “Are we almost there yet Gabby?? I’m tired of sitting here not knowing where we’re going.” She stares at me waiting for an answer. “Patience darling we’re almost there it’s just up the road.” She huffs loudly, “Road!? I don’t see a road! I see a trail that leads up to God knows where!” She exclaims.

 Giggling I reach over and take her hand, “We’re going to my favorite hideout growing up. I use to come up here all the time with my older brother when I was younger. Whenever life was being a bitch we came up here and relaxed, we would talk about everything up here.” I trail off as we come over a hill and find a large secluded clearing that had a large live oak tree at one end with a swing on it that clearly hadn’t been used in years. Parking the car behind the tree we both exit the vehicle and walk towards the large tree.

As soon as we got up to the tree I heard a loud gasp escape her as she marveled at the wondrous view of the town below. “Wow… it’s beautiful up here. This is indeed a great surprise hun.” She looks off into the horizon and is lost in its beauty. Smiling I slowly approach her from behind and wrap my arms around her waist. “Told you that you would love this surprise.” I placed feather light kisses on the nape of her neck and smiled as I heard a soft gasp escape her lips. “Mmm.. So Lexi.. What does this mean?” I rest my head on her shoulder and await my answer. “You mean what are we?”

“Yeah what are we Lexi?” She looks off into the setting sun thinking of an answer. “Well.. Neither of us has asked each other out so I guess you could call this friends with generous benefits.” I giggle and kiss her cheek. “That could work.. For a while anyways until I want to make you mine.”

Turning to me Lexi gave me a mischievous smirk and winked at me. Gosh she knows how to make my heart sing I just wish we could be more than “Friends with Generous Benefits” I want her to be mine… but I haven’t known her for very long and even though that’s true I want her more than anything else.

            “What are you thinking about so hard there Gabby?” I jump slightly and blush bright red realizing that she had been watching my face the whole time and there was no way I would keep anything from her, because for me it was impossible to keep anything from her.

Clearing my throat to try and calm myself I looked up into her eyes, “Well… I was thinking about how badly I want to be more than just ‘Friends with Generous Benefits’.. Lexi I want you to be mine and I know it’s really early to be confessing my love for you but I can’t stop thinking about you and…”She cuts me off as her lips crash into mine and her fingers tangle into my hair.

Turning around and facing me we gradually back up and lean into the tree with our lips moving in perfect harmony.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2014 ⏰

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