Chapter 3

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A/N: Sorry this chapter is short the next will be longer :) If you like please Vote and Comment it makes me happy:) HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

Lexi POV


            Holy crap is this really happening?! Gabby has me pinned against the lockers, and damn I really don’t want her to stop touching my body! Her touch is so soft and gentle, and every time she touches me I swear my heart skips two beats! At least! My body is begging for more of her touch, the way she runs her hands down my sides and rubs my waist. I am barely able to keep my body under control. I want to pull her lips onto mine and get lost in the warmth of her arms.

The way she makes me feel…I don’t know how to describe it. I have never felt this way about anyone before Gabby came along… could I be… there is no way! I just met Gabby! There is no way I could possibly love her there? But I can’t say that because the more time I spend with her the deeper and deeper I fall in love with her and honestly…I don’t think I mind it.

I can’t take it anymore!! I give in to my desires and they take over, and now I have Gabby pinned and our lips are just centimeters apart. All I have to do is move forward that little bit and her soft lips will be mine. I look into her stunning blue-green eyes and I see a touch of lust and something else that I can’t quite put my finger on… could it be love that I am seeing in her eyes? She bites her lower lip and looks at me with a seductive smile. I was about to close the distance between our lips when I hear an administrator yell, “GET TO CLASS GIRLS! NOW!” I immediately pull away and we both go running to our classes.

All during sixth period I couldn’t focus on anything because all I thought about was Gabby. I just couldn’t stop thinking about her. I wanted to see her again and I really wanted to finish what I had started. I wanted to kiss her and this time I wasn’t going to let someone stop me. Just thinking about it made me smile and glide my tongue across my lower lip gently. Realizing that I had Gabby in my next class I was able to push the thoughts of her aside for the last two minutes of class. I couldn’t wait to see her again, and I could already feel my heart racing at the thought of seeing her. Those last two minutes felt like two hours, that had to be the longest two minutes in my entire life.

Once the seventh period bell rang, I was already out the door and halfway down the hallway in less than five seconds. I wasn’t wasting any time I was running as fast as my legs could carry me. I rounded a corner running as fast as I could, turning sharply I slammed right into someone causing both of us to fall to the ground. I look up to apologize and I look directly into the beautiful blue-green eyes that have been haunting every single thought of mine. “Gabby…” I whisper as our eyes meet. 

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