What she got Married in 1months later graduation is today and tris is 9months pregnant also they got married
Tris POV
I wake up in a warm environment also know to be tobias. Today we are starting the baby's room and it's graduation as I'm valedictorian so I have to make a big speech UGGG. I'm doing really good actually I mean for has been more supporting and helping more. We also had our first doctor's appointment yesterday and we are having twins, so this should be fun. I have a very visible baby bump. We got married last month so now I'm a Eaton and whatnot. Now I'm sitting in football field waiting to be called for my speech I'm fucking freaking out. Tobias takes my hand in his and squeezes it has a reassurance that I'm not going to die. I'm in a floor length strapless gold bronze type thing and the top has Jem's all over the top and you also can see the baby bump but what ever my rings are also visible, it was a fucking big engagement and wedding ring all covered in diamonds all the way around. What can I say we are famous people and are rich.
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"Now are valedictorian Tris Prior-Eaton"
I walk up there as I glare at Chris knowing that she pit the Eaton in there. I didn't keep Prior I wanted it home but I'm gonna kill her. I hear gasps that I'm married and pregnant but you know yolo.
"Hello, I'm Tris Prior-Eaton. How do I want to start this oh got it, Ok so four short years ago we walked into those doors right to the left of y'all we had no clue what to do or where to go but all that changed when we found friendship, love, drama and a home. I k ow that we all hated school." I pause as people laughed. "Like really mom dad why can't you just home school me or I'm sick mommy can I stay home. Cough cough. Well I haven't been in school for I don't know 6 years but I'm not telling that story. High school is supposed to be fun, cool, educational ugg and your supposed to find where you belong either it's with a book club, wrestling, football, cheerleading, basketball, baseball, gymnastics, ect. it's a time to live have fun grow up into the person we want to be now and in the future well I'm not gonna take about that cause let me tell you a secret ITS A SCARY PLACE IN TIME!" They laugh at this." I don't know what I would have been if I wasn't forced to go here by the law, I made an amazing group of friends found love and heartbreak also I found my best friend form when I was a kid. Class of 2016 we may never be friends now or later but we are always gonna come together one way or another. Before I leave this school I know a lot of other grades are her but one year I want to say jr class, a few words for you. Please, I'm begging you I would be on my knees but can't do that but please don't classifying people cause we don't like it and I know you are just either having mommy and daddy problems or your just stuck up but DO NOT classify others. Jock, bitches, nerds, geek, populars, nice kids, sporty, preggo, bad ass, druggies and ect. yes I'm a preggo and honestly I'm proud of that fact that im able to bring life here. My mother and father who are dead always used to say everything always happens for a reason and I believe it's true, god has a path and that path is good or bad it all depends on what path you want your life to go in. Yes god take people away but it all has to happen so what I'm saying right now and I'm on my knees don't put people down, 'That girl you called a slut in class today. She's a virgin. The "gay boy" you punched in the hall today. Committed suicide a few minutes ago. The boy you called poor. He has to work every night to support his family. That girl you pushed down the other day. She's already being abused at home. That girl you called fat. ...She's starving herself. The old man you made fun of cause of the ugly scars. He fought for our country. The boy you made fun of for crying. His mother is dying. You think you know them. Guess what? You don't! You never know if there depressed or have suidal thoughts so I know I'm going to repeat my self but