first day

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"I love you six."
Four blurts out.
I look up at him and say
"I love you too four."
"Um...I don't mean to interupt this but, who are you," asks a tall mocha tan girl

"Oh this is six, I met her in rehab and juvie. She's my girlfriend," explains four then adds on, "oh six, this is will, Uriah, Zeke, peter, Christina, Marlene, Shauna, and Lynn."

"REHAB!! JUVIE!!!!WHAT THE FUCK!!" Scrams Chris.
I'm gonna push her buttons. Four knows what I'm about to so he laughs.

"We were also on juvie and rehab at the same time. Four years then we both were sent to rehab for what you four years and me six I believe." I say and four nods.

"'s nice to meet you but we should probably get out schedule's." Says Shauna

"Okk." Me and four say at the same time. We go to the reseptionest and get our schedule's, luckily we all have the same schedule.

Beatrice grace prior, (six)
Grade 12
Locker 601
Combination 006164
1.home room- ms.wu|8:30-8:55
2.gym- mr. Amar|9:00-9:45 ms.wu|9:50-10:35
4.powers- ms.Mathews|11:45-12:30 Mr.Eaton|12:35-1:20 hour|1:25-2:25

Not only that but our lockers are Marlene, Shauna, Lynn, me, chris.
Then the are across from us lined like Uriah, Zeke, Peter, four, and will.
~•*Time skip to gym*•~
Me and the girls race to the locker room to get a clean locker. Luckily when we get there, there are only a couple boys so we still get good your probably thinking 'why are there boys in the GIRLS locker room?!?!'
Well the school and was having bugget cuts sooo, shared locker room. We put on our uniform of black spandex shorts and a baggy grey Tshirt with any type of sneakers. We al have Jordan but different colors, mar- pink
Shauna- purple
Lynn- black
Six- blue
Chris- red

~~~page break~~~

"OK cupcakes, listen up. Your gonna run 5 laps, do 75 sit ups and 75 push ups. Yells coach amar, once your done we will have try outs for foot ball, soccer, cheer, basketball, and track. Get it. Got it. Good. Now go go go."
I start running and soon way ahead of every body but four. I spead up and beat him, soon I'm done my push ups and sit ups and so is four.
"Sooo what you trying out for?" Asks four
"Ummm, and cheer," I respond,
"how about you?"
"basketball and football. But I'm all ready on the boxing/resling team so no soccer or track." Four responds

"Oh oh oh yay I want to join" I say while jumping around.

Time skip to after football and basketball tryouts

"Ok muffin tops the team for foot ball is posted"

Quarter back- four
Running back- six
Center- will
Tight end- Zeke
Wide receiver- Lynn
Left & right guard- al and drew
Left & right tackle- mathew and david
Nose guard- Uriah
Line backer- Peter
Defense end- Eric
Defense tackle- Caleb
Corner back- bud
Safety- Robert
Special team
Field goal kicker- four
Punter- six
Place holder- will
Long snapper- Lynn

'Wow' I think then squeal yayyyy

"Now for the basketb"- coach amar starts, but gets interupted by his phone ringing.
Time skip to after phone call
"Well then, the cheer team will only be cheering for basketball games, not football."yells coach amar. "The team is four, will, Zeke, Uriah, Peter, caleb, drew, Mathew, David, eric, and al. Now ms.wu will be the cheer coach so...go try out over there."

Me and the girls go over there and she the girls from Caleb's gang there.
Ms.wu-tori- tells us to do a simple dance and cheer then show off our best gymnastics skills.
So far every one has sucked at it besides our group, now it's my turn.
I easily go the dance then its time to tumble.
I run and do a round off, back hand spring, back tuck, back half into the spilts the get up and do a side arael into a front lay out.
Time skip to after tryouts
"Okk so girls I will put the sheet with who made it in on the locker room door" yells tori, "now go change you all smell terrible."
Me and the gang quickly run back and change then look to see who got in.
Captain: six
Co-captain: Nita
Chris, Molly,
Marlene, Jeanine,
Shauna, lurren,
Lynn, Cara.
Oh great the sluts made it on the team I think to my self, oh super

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