Ch.4 Practice

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"Okay" Jack said as he went up to a piece of wood board that held up on a stool "Your goal is to use your powers to hit this piece of wood, now focus, but not too hard."

"Okay" Garrison said "I can do this."

So he stood in front on the board and focused on controlling his powers, he tried not to focus too hard as he created a ball of lightning in his hands as he focused on keeping it there. But he started to focus too hard as the ball started to shake.

"Oh oh" Jack said with his eyes widen as Garrison tried to control the ball.

But like always, the ball flew out of his hands and into the wall, this time it bounced back as Garrison and Jack quickly ducked as the ball of lightning bounced around the hideout until it finally stopped by hitting the board. They both got up and saw that the board was completely destroyed.

"Well at least it hit the board" Jack said.

Garrison then gave a sigh "Jack it's no use, I'm never gonna be able to control my powers."

"Maybe there's another way."

"What other way is there for me to use?" Garrison doubted "I'm just gonna loose control of my powers again, and maybe this time it'll hurt us."

"Hold on, while you were focusing, I kinda read your mind and heard that the thought of Zaydock came into your head."

"Well uh, that's true."

"So I was thinking, maybe thinking about Zaydock is causing anger to you, therefor making you loose control of your powers. And you said that whenever you get angry it's when your powers get out of control."

"That's also true, so what do I do?"

"Try thinking about something that doesn't make you mad, like try thinking about Tess, well not in a sad way, but try thinking about the good memories of her while focusing on your powers."

"You think it'll work?"

"Only one way to find out."

Jack then set up another piece of wood board on the stood as he backed away.

"Give it a try" he said.

So once again, Garrison focused on his powers as he created another ball of lightning in his hands, but this time, he also thought about the good memories of Tess. He thought about the good times they had together, and it began to calm him. He then looked at the board and threw the ball of lightning at it as it destroyed the board. He and Jack stood there with shock.

"Dude you did it!" Jack gasped.

"I did it" Garrison gasped.

"I knew that would work" Jack smiled.

"I actually got control of my powers" Garrison said surprised.

"Good job, but you're gonna need to practice more to get better."

"Alright then, so uh, what do you think I should do now?"

"I think you should practice on how to shoot out electric bolts and how to use them."

"Okay then."

"But I think we should practice somewhere where there's more room."

"Well in that case, I know a perfect spot."

They both went to an empty football field that was lit up for the night, they then went onto the field and stood near the field goal.

"You sure it's okay to practice here?" Jack asked.

"Of course" Garrison said "I mean, Tess sometimes practices her powers here, now why can't I?"

"But aren't you worried that someone will see you?"

"You think anyone's gonna come here at this time?"

Jack started to think about it, realizing that it was a bit late for anyone to be out here.

"I guess not" he shrugged.

"Okay then, so what do I do?"

"Well I was thinking" Jack said as he used his powers to lift up some tree branches that was on the other side of the fence and placed it down in front of them "I want you to use your powers to lift up the branches and placed it back on the other side of the fence."

"Okay" Garrison said as he got ready.

"Remember" Jack said "Good thoughts."


Garrison then looked at the branches and held his hands out towards it as he focused on his powers. Just then electric bolts shot out from his hands and towards the branches. He continued to focus and them while thinking about the good memories of Tess as he started to lift up the branches. He continued to lift them up, but they started to fall back down.

"Whoa!" Garrison said as he quickly used his powers to catch them and lift them up.

He then lifted them towards the fence and was able to throw them over the fence.

"Nice!" Jack smiled.

"I did it!" Garrison exclaimed.

"You're getting better at this! Pretty soon you'll gonna be able to fully control them and be able to defeat Zaydock once and for all, and making sure he stays defeated."


"So you want to practice some more?"

"Actually, all this practice is making me hungry."

"You wanna get something to eat?"

"I'm in."

But as they started to walk away, they didn't notice a man in black and wearing shades watching them from behind the bleachers. He then held his watch in front of him and pressed a button.

"They're leaving the football field" he said into his watch.

"Follow them" he heard Zaydock said "And don't bring them to me without the crystal."

"I'm on it" he said as he started to follow them.

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