Ch.5 Ice cell

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After getting some frozen yogurt, Garrison and Jack decided to walk down the lit up streets on the sidewalk.

"So uh, can you tell me how you got your powers?" Garrison asked.

"Oh uh, I don't really feel like talking about it" Jack said.

"Oh come on, was it an accident like how Tess got her powers? Or did you earn it or something?"

"Well if you must know, have you seen the horror movie 'Carrie'?"


"Well the way I got my powers was similar to Carrie, now back before Tess got her powers and before I graduated high school, I used to be bullied like Carrie, and all of that bullying made me a loner. But one day, after being harassed some more, I went into the restroom, and it was a good thing I was alone cause when I looked into the mirror, I started to let my anger out when the mirror suddenly cracked, I focused on letting out my anger while cracking the mirror some more with my until it fully shattered."

"Whoa" Garrison said with his eyes widen "That is like Carrie."

"Yeah, and after that, I decided to learn all about telekinesis and practice some more, and soon I mastered it. But unlike Carrie, I didn't use my powers to kill everyone, instead, I use it for good."

"And you didn't get pig blood poured on you?"

"No, thank goodness."

"So your powers just happened unexpectedly?"

"Basically, I mean we only use like 10 percent of our brain, and many believe that the other 90 percent contains a hidden power."

"Looks like that's true for you."

They soon made it back to the clock tower where they went in and into the hideout.

"Okay" Jack said "I think now would be a good time to search for Zaydock's hideout."

"Okay" Garrison said "As far as I know, Tess and I were close to finding his hideout, but we never really got a chance to actually find it."

"Well do you have any clues where it could be?"

"Yeah I think they're in the back room."

And with that Garrison went into the back room. And after a moment of searching, he came back out with some papers and photos in his hands.

"Okay" he said "The last place we saw Zaydock was by the train station, so I was thinking-".

But when he looked up, he saw that Jack wasn't there.

"Uh, Jack?" he called, no answer.

"Jack" he called again, still no answer "Hello? Did you leave without telling me?"

He then went to a box on the table and opened it to see the Living Stone was still in there, he gave a sigh in relief that it was still safe. But as he looked at the crystal, he didn't notice the man in black and wearing shades walking up behind him. And before Garrison could turn around, the man put his hand on Garrison's shoulder and sent a shock through his body, causing him to collapse to the floor as the crystal rolled out his his hand. The man then picked up the crystal as he held his watch in front of him and pressed a button.

"I got it" he said.

"You got the crystal?" he heard Zaydock say.

"Yep, and I also got Garrison."

"Excellent, bring him and that other boy to me."

"On it."


"Garrison" Garrison heard someone call his name as he felt his body being shook "Garrison."

He felt himself waking up as he continued to hear his name being called and his body being shook.

"Garrison get up" he heard Jack call.

"What?" he said as he opened his eyes to find himself on a cold ground "What happened?"

"Why don't you take a look" Jack said with a worried look.

Garrison got up and saw that they were in an ice cage.

"What the?" he said with his eyes widen "Are we in the ice caves?"

"Sure looks like it" Jack said.

"But how did we get here?"

"Well" a voice said "You're awake now."

The guys turned and saw Zaydock coming towards them.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked with an evil smile.

"How did you-?" Garrison started to say.

"Oh I didn't do anything, thank Daktron for bringing you here."

Garrison turned and saw Zaydock's henchmen Daktron in the corner.

"I forgot about him" he sighed with disappointment.

"And thanks to him" Zaydock smirked "I was able to get this."

He held up the Living Stone as the guys gasped.

"Sure is a pretty crystal" Zaydock smirked "Would be a shame if it was destroyed."

Garrison tried to grab the crystal, but when he tried to put his hand through the bars, he felt a painful shock as he brought his hand back.

"I knew you were going to do that" Zaydock said with a sneaky look "That's why I created this cell to block your powers."

With his powers blocked, Garrison knew that there was no way out.

"Now that I have this" Zaydock said as he looked at the crystal "Skyvolt wont be able to return, but as for you Garrison, I can finally get rid of you. Daktron, where's the Mathiest crystal?"

Garrison's eyes widen as Daktron pulled out the crystal that made Tess loose her powers, thus causing her to die along with Zaydock's power.

"Remember this?" Zaydock held up the crystal in front of Garrison "The crystal that ended your girlfriend? It can still work, and that's what I'm gonna do to you."

Garrison's eyes widen as he felt his heart pump faster.

"Right after I take care of this" Zaydock said as he looked at the Living Stone "In the meantime, prepared to be doomed."

And with that he and Daktron went away.

"Oh man" Jack said with a worried look "You got any ideas?"

"I was hoping you did."

"Sorry, I got nothing."

Garrison was getting more worried, if they can't get out before Zaydock destroys the Living Stone, they wont be able to bring Tess back.

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