Ch.7 Power of love

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Everyone stood there in shock after watching Zaydock turn to ashes, and at that point, Daktron let go of Jack and ran away just as Garrison fell to the floor.

"Garrison" Jack gasped as he ran to him "You okay?"

"I don't know" Garrison said weakly as Jack helped him up.

"Well at least you wont die" Jack said "Good thing the Mathiest crystal wasn't on the pole."

"Where is the Mathiest crystal?"

"Uh, oh here it is" Jack picked up the crystal "And here's the Living Stone."

Garrison then tried to walk but he felt his body wobble.

"Whoa" Jack said as he steadied him "I think you should sit down."

"But what about Tess?" Garrison said "Zaydock's out of the way, and we have the Living Stone."

"You're right" Jack's eyes widen as he looked at the glass coffin with Tess's body in it, luckily it didn't get destroyed during the fight.

"Okay" Jack said to Garrison " In order for the crystal to work, it needs an electric power, so are you able to create another electric power?"

"I'll try, but I may still be a bit weak from that massive shock."

"I think we should wait a bit, so your powers can regenerate."


They then went over to Tess's coffin and looked at her through the glass.

"Good thing she's still flesh and bones" Jack said.

"Yeah" Garrison agreed as he examined her body.

Jack saw the sad look on his eyes.

"Hey" he said "Just be happy we have a way to bring her back."

"Yeah" Garrison said "You know what let's do it now?"


"Yeah I can't wait any longer, I want her back now."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure."

"Well uh, alright then."

They then opened the coffin and looked at her body.

"Okay" Jack said "So here's what's gonna happen, I'm gonna hold the crystal while it's pointing at Tess, and then you shoot the crystal with your powers, that should send the power of the crystal straight to Tess."

"Got it" Garrison said as he took a few steps back.

Jack then aimed the crystal towards Tess.

"Okay I'm ready" he said.

Garrison took a deep breath as he shot out a bolt of electricity at the crystal, sending a spark towards Tess's body.

"It's working!" Jack gasped "Keep doing it!"

Garrison continued to shoot his electric power at the crystal while it sent it's power to Tess.

"Okay that should be enough!" Jack said as Garrison stopped his power.

They both went to Tess and waited, but nothing happened.

"How long are we suppose to wait?" Garrison asked.

"I don't know" Jack said with a wondering look "But it should work by now."

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