Chapter Thirteen - A Spy is Born

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     Copperhead sighed, looking down on the balls of fur that nuzzled their mother's belly. Angel had delivered her pups in early August, and it was perfect weather for these three pups. All of them were female, and the pack was watching Angel name them, "This one," she cooed, sniffing a black-furred version of herself, "will be named Ada," she turned her muzzle to another black pup that looked like her father, "this is Erna..." Angel's soft gaze rested on a white pup, "and this one will be called Avis. She... she will be the spy," she sighed reluctantly.

     Cash nodded and looked at the newborn pups, yet said nothing as his stare went to Avis. Copperhead knew what he was thinking. He was thinking about how to convince her that Fawn must be destroyed at all costs. He was thinking about how he would train her on how to fight. These pups will make great members of the pack, Copperhead knew it. They would fight and protect, just like their packmates.

Copperhead remembered when Cash first became Alpha. She was one of the first to join. Cash had always longed for a mate, and he always babbled on about how his first, 'true love' broke his heart and ran off with this dog known as Ace. When he first laid eyes on Fawn, he explained how there was this magic spark between them. But then, Ace showed up when Cash was making his moves with Fawn. Copperhead's opinion on a Fawn was different, however. She strongly disliked her, no doubt, but at the same time, a pang of guilt was in her heart whenever her thoughts crossed over to Fawn. She had lied about her, and now she is going to die because of it. But if she hadn't lied, Cash would have ripped her to shreds.

     Cash was probably the most unjust, arrogant, and ignorant leaders there was on the planet. He struck fear within the pack to control them. He despised the weak, as he saw them, 'unworthy and useless'. He thought he was the best, he was the one who would save everyone, he was the most desirable dog you would ever meet. Copperhead considered leaving, but with the food and protection she received in this pack, she just couldn't. Cash would probably track her down anyway and kill her for betraying the pack. Copperhead looked back at the pups.

     How would he convince them that Fawn was evil, let alone train them to kill her?

Meanwhile with Fawn's pack...
Fawn sighed as she curled up into a ball and noticed her ribs poking through. Ever since the pack made a new, temporary territory a few miles away from the dog park, food had been scarce. And with all of these new mouths to feed, it's been tougher. None of these collar wearers knew how to scavenge either. Fawn glanced to Ace, watching him nuzzle Mei before laying down next to her. The last few nights had been cold, and the pack had to curl up together for warmth. Fawn really had grown on her new family, but something held her back from making a real bond.

Cash was like a boa constricting her imagination, hissing awful thoughts of what might happen to her if she turns her back. The thought of Cash looming over her, baring his teeth and his eyes gleaming with fury. To make it worse, if a packmate got injured or even killed by Cash and his pack, it would be all Fawn's fault. Fawn lifted her head as she saw Ace approach her, leaving April to take his place next to Mei. His pale blue eyes blinked, held in a concerned expression. He sat down next to her, quickly gazing over her famished frame, "Why don't you sleep with us?"

"I don't know..." Fawn replied, looking away.

"Yes you do..." Ace insisted.

"I'm worried," Fawn admitted, shooting a troubled glance to Ace, "actually, I'm not worried. I'm scared."

"Is it Cash? Is that what you're afraid of?"

"Yeah..." Fawn mumbled, resting her sleek head between her paws. It was silent for a moment, Fawn knew her leader was pondering how to comfort her. He did that for everyone when they were feeling down. Finally, he broke the silence, "You don't have to be scared. The pack is here to protect you," he paused, as if hesitant, "I'm here to protect you."

"But, what if one of you guys get hurt? It would be all my fault..." she whimpered.

"No, it wouldn't. This pack is my responsibility, not yours."

"I shouldn't have dragged you into this..." Fawn didn't wait for Ace to deny her comment, "look at everyone. They're hungry, because of me and my stupidity! I'm just a dumb dog!" She snarled quietly.

"You're not-"

"No!" Fawn growled, gaining the attention of Mei, "leave me alone! I want to be alone! I need to be alone! I'm a loner, Ace! Why couldn't you just leave it that way?!" Fawn shot out of her position and stormed off. She left the petite alleyway the pack resided in, and stomped down the quiet sidewalk as the indigo sky turn a dark blue with white stars freckling it. She slumped down on where the sidewalk met the street, and stared up at the stars. She wished to have wings and soar away from all of the problems. To be free. Alone.

Her thought wandered back to the pack. She looked to the alley. Fawn's ears twitched in anticipation, wanting Ace to emerge and walk over to her and tell her everything will be fine. Suddenly, there was the sound of padding paws nearing Fawn. She perked her ears up. It was only Mei. Fawn sighed, but kept her disappointment inside. The Pharaoh Hound gave Mei a warm smile and looked back up at the sky. The puppy, who was growing dramatically, plopped down next to Fawn, tilting her head up at her, "Why are you mad?"

"I'm not... I'm just scared," Fawn replied, looking down on the pup.

"You were mad at Ace," Mei said, almost seeming defensive.

"I know... I just..." Fawn looked away, "lashed out. I was angry because I was afraid."

"Did you mean anything you said?" Mei whined, "do you not like us?"

"Of course not! Never would I ever want to be a loner again!" she nuzzled the pup, "don't ever think for a second that I would ever not like you."

"Also, you're not a dumb dog. You saved my life, remember?" Mei told her, wagging her tail.

"Yeah, I do," Fawn remembered when she rescued Mei from the street.

"Then you belong here..." Mei said, "so let's go to sleep," the little one walked back to the alley. Fawn followed her to see the pack sleeping in a large ball. Mei curled up next to April, while Fawn padded over to Buck. She sleepily laid down next to Buck and drifted to sleep.

WHAAAAT? Over two hundred reads?! Thank you guys so much! ~Scarlet

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