Chapter One - Not My Type

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"Ey, cutie!" Really? Now? I was just starting to have a good day. Fawn thought when she instantly recognized that voice. She turned around, trying to contain her annoyance. Still, the irritation showed in her face and stiffened body.

A black and brown dog swaggered up to Fawn, wearing a smirk she knew all too well, " 'Ow ya doin', sweetie? My name's-" the male began, but was quickly interrupted by an aggravated Fawn, "I know who you are, Cash," she growled. The dog seemed oblivious to Fawn's warning, "Good, good. Rememberin' each others' names is a perfect way to start off on our lil' relationship," he chuckled. Fawn stepped towards Cash, green eyes narrowed, "Listen, we're in no kind of 'relationship'. You're not my type," Fawn was trying to let him off easy, but every breath that mutt took, her patience drained a little. And this dog was pretty good at breathing. And getting on Fawn's nerves, "Aw, ya know I love you playin' hard-ta-get, but real talk. I think it's time for you and I to get to know each other better," he winked.

Fawn bared her teeth, putting a little space in between the two dogs, "I'm surprised you're part German Shepherd," she said flatly, concealing her teeth with her lips again. Cash laughed, "And why's dat, little miss?" Fawn simpered, "Because you don't have half the brain of one," the Pharaoh Hound snickered. The insults didn't even phase the Doberman-German Shepherd mix. Actually, it was making him talk more, "Ah, your wit is one of da millions of reasons I love you, sweet-face. So, how about it? You and me. Together," Cash inched closer, making Fawn feel the last drop of patience drip out of her, "Alright! That's it, Cash! Bug off," she barked.

Cash began to circle her with a sneaky grin, "C'mon, don't be like dat, missy! I don't bite," Fawn bared her white teeth, "Well I do! So you better wipe that smirk off your face before I do it for you!" she snapped. The black and brown dog was now lightly brushing up against Fawn, still slithering around her, "Take it easy, princess!" his tone was becoming more aggressive, making Fawn uneasy. Until a sharp bark halted Cash and allowed Fawn to make room for herself. A Doberman-Husky mix walked up to Cash with a stern expression, "Hey! Leave the lady alone! Don't you have any respect, mutt?" he barked.

Cash got nose-to-nose with the male, "Who you callin' mutt?" he growled. The dog seemed untroubled by Cash's anger, "you, stupid! Now, if I heard correctly, I'm pretty sure that lovely lady told you to take a hike. I suggest you do that," he replied with a calm swish of his tail. Cash furrowed his brow, "Quit eavesdroppin' and mind your own business! That's my girl!" Cash's hackles were raised, yet still the other male remained calm. His voice darkened, however, "I'm not gonna tell you again, bud. Clear out," he said. Cash opened his mouth to speak, but his words were sealed by the other strays' massive bark, "Beat it!" Cash jumped back in shock, then scrambled off behind a corner. Fawn felt the wind when he sprinted past her. She watched the dog disappear, then she turned her head to thank the dog who scared Cash off. But he too was already gone.

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