he tells the truth

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My best friend Tyler was moving and I was pretty sad but yet u wasn't because summer was around the coner. My mom is taking me to her home country like every year but this trip is going to be the one that breaks every inch of me. Once me and my mom got there at the first couple of days it was just me and my mom but then my mom told me to get ready. I was confused and I ask her why and she told me that we are picking up my sister. So I went and got ready, once we got to the airport. I didn't know that we also had to head somewhere else to pick up, my father. I was so confused on the whole entire trip and then we reach are destination.

    I got to meet some friend of my mom and my father. Which was cool but to was super hot over there so that night I had a hard time to go to sleep. But in the end I did fall asleep which was good. We stay at their place for the night and in the morning were head back to are own house in Honduras. But little did we know that this whole trip was a chance for my father to tell the truth.
We went to many beaches and other things in Honduras. The more fun were have, my dad thought it was a good time to tell us the truth but he would open his mouth then just close it back up.

   It was are last week to be in Honduras. My father then decide to tell us what he was dying to tell. He told my mother and I was her face. A face filled up with hurt and anger polling up one and other. Then I turned over to see my sister, her face was shocked and didn't know what to say. So I stood in confusion for a while so then I just walk up to my father and mother and asked what is going on. My father look at me, stared into my eyes and told me this, "Honey, I've have some good news for you. You have to little sisters and this is a picture of them."  He showed me the picture and I felt hurt but since was I still little I didn't let it phase me. Then out of no where my mother started to cry and just by hear cry you tell that this has hurt so heart that you know with one single touch she will become dust.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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