Chapter 4

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I wake to the bright lights above and several people around my bed. I recognize Scott immediately, and Kirstie takes me a few seconds to recognize, given that I've only met her two or three times since I forgot everything. Alex sits at the end of my bed with his eyes closed and head back, under the intense stare of Scott, who has his arm wrapped tightly around Kirstie, and I notice that most of my body feels numb. The second Kirstie notices my eyes open, she cracks a smile and says, "We have to stop meeting here." I offer a weak smile in return and reply, "I would have to agree."

"How do you feel?" Scott asks.

"Well rested." A chuckle bubbles up inside me but doesn't get far enough for anyone to hear.

"I'm serious."

"So am I." If there was any hint of a smile on my face, it is wiped away quickly. "Being passed out made me feel better-no nightmares."

"None? At all?"

"That's great, but I wish you didn't have to be in a hospital for that to happen."

"At least we know it's possible." Alex and Kirstie both look confused. Alex opens his mouth to speak, but Scott whips his head toward him so quickly that Alex instantly shuts his mouth.

"You have lost any privileges to speak, and unless you want me to come hit your head against the floor again, I recommend that you respect that." Scott growls. Alex nods and his face glows red. When Scott looks back to me, the anger showing on his face is overbearing and I am almost afraid to speak or move. "Anyway, Mitch, I meant how do you feel physically."

"Oh, um, kind of numb, like I can't feel anything in my hands or my legs or feet."

"That's because of the medicine they put you on, to help you sleep."

"That's probably why I slept so well, then." The tension in the room is almost palpable, so I decide to say, "Will someone explain what is going on between you three?"

"Would you like to explain it, Alex, or do I have to?"

"I'm leaving. Bye, Mitch." Alex says quickly. He leaves just as quickly and I look back to Scott and Kirstie.

"Can I tell him, Kirstie? Are you okay with that?" Scott asks, his tone suddenly changed from angry and harsh to gentle.

"Yeah, but do you mind if I leave, too?"

"I don't want you to go alone with him out there."

"It's a hospital. There are other people around. He won't try anything."

"You don't know that. Let me walk you to your car, at least."

"Okay. Bye, Mitchie."

"I'll be back in a few minutes." Scott promises before walking with Kirstie out of the room. He reenters about five minutes later.

"That was really fast."

"We're on the first floor and she's parked right outside. It doesn't take very long."

"So, are you going to tell me now? Is this also why you beat Alex up the day I woke up?"

"Yeah, it is. Are you sure you want to know?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?" He takes a few deep breaths before starting.

"It happened about a month and a half ago. You two were still going out. I'd had this big party. You two were there, and so was Kirstie. He left without you, and that alone was enough to make me mad at him, but that's not why. After he left, he followed Kirstie home. I guess he started talking to her outside her house and convinced her to let him in, which should have been fine; they were friendly enough. Once they were inside, though, he started beating her up, and then he tried to rape her." His face is red and an anger I have never seen in anyone is in his eyes. I don't know how to react except to keep my hand pressed tightly over my mouth. "To top it all off, you didn't believe us. You believed him, and he obviously denied the whole thing. He told you that he went straight home, and you believed him. That's why nothing happened to him. Because there wasn't any evidence, and not everyone was convinced of Kirstie's 'story'."

The Boy Who Brought Me Back (Scömìche)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now