Alfia Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
I heard a light knock on my door after a while. I've just been waiting in my room since I got to Lena's castle. I was told not to leave. I was also given a schedule for the next day, which I found on my dresser. Tomorrow I was going to take dance lessons from Rose, have tea with Lena, fencing with Lena, prepare for the ball they're hosting for Lena's returning, and then go to the ball. It all seemed kind of strange. I'd never done any of those things before. But if it's what I have to do then I'll do it.

I finally opened my door and Lena stood outside of it, looking slightly pale and wearing a gold tiara. "Lena are you okay? You don't look well. Also your tiara looks nice on you." I said. She nodded. "I'm fine. I just had a visit with The Queen is all". Lena walked into my room and took a seat on my sofa.

"So why are you here?" I asked taking a seat next to her. "I wanted to ask you if you would like a tour of the castle before it get's too late." Lena said. "Sure that would be great" I replied. "I've been stuck in here since I got here". Lena nodded. "Very well. Follow me" she said getting up.

I followed Lena around the castle for the rest of the day. She showed me the dining room, kitchen, servant room, princess head quarters, the lake behind the castle, the tea room, and more.

Finally our last stop was the outside garden that was in the middle of the castle. It had a maze in the middle of it and many flowers. "Wow it's beautiful here" I said amazed. "Indeed. I usually come out here when I'm depressed. It makes me feel better when I'm here" Lena said.

I looked at Lena and examined her. "So are you saying your depressed right now?" I asked. "What! No! Why should I be? I just wanted to show you this that's all. This place is where I feel most comfortable at. I even memorized the maze" Lena said.

I nodded at Lena and said "Let's go in the maze then. I want to try it on my own". "You? Go through the maze on your own? Don't make me laugh! It took me years to find my way out without any help." Lena said.

"Fine. Then come with me. If you doubt me so much. And if I can get us out in less than 15 minutes, then your my dance instructor for tomorrow" I said grinning. "You're on! A commoner like you can't get out of here that easily! It takes practice." Lena said grinning back. My heart fluttered once again at her grin.

So we walked through the maze, and it took me 13 minutes to find my way out with Lena. "Outstanding.. You actually did it below time limit" Lena said amazed. "And now you have to teach me how to dance tomorrow" I smiled. Lena rolled her eyes. "Fine. A deal is a deal. But be prepared to learn the walts. It will not be easy I assure you."

"Why do I have to learn how to do the walts anyways? It's just a party" I said. "It's not just a party. Ball's are elegant gatherings for people to eat and dance together. If you get asked to dance then you must know how to dance. If you don't then you would just look like a fool out there!" Lena said.

"Alright I get it. Can you walk me back to my room? I asked. Lena nodded and lead me to my room. "I'll see you 8 in the morning. Until then goodnight!" Lena said, turning to leave. I then closed my door behind her, wondering why I kept thinking about her.

I got dressed in my pajamas that were set out for me and got into bed. I couldn't stop thinking about Lena. She sure could be rude sometimes. But there was something about her that just pulled me in. And was she really going to marry Prince Zen? I mean, I think she should choose who she married. But why do I care? I then fell asleep, with multiple thoughts of Lena in my head.

The next morning, Lena came into my room without knocking. "Wake up! It's 8 o clock, time to wake up and start the day!" Lena said clapping. She was wearing flowy pink silk dress that went down to her knees with a bow in the back of it, her hair in pigtails with her tiara in place, white tights. and white heels with a bow on top of them. I opened my eyes tiredly, and looked at Lena. She looked incredibly cute, I thought. I got myself out of bed and stretched. "Why do I have to wake up so early?" I complained. "Because everyone is up at 8 in this castle. Even guests. We have a big day today too with lots of things to get done! Now get dressed!" Lena said closing my door.

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