The 'Mane' four

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The bell to the Cake's bakery chimed as Twilight peaked her head around it. 

"Uhh..." She moved in a little "Pinkie?"

"Come in" A high voice trilled. Twilight sighed and walked in further "Ah!" She said, beckoning to the others to follow "At last! We've found you! I can't begin on how worried we've been. Where's Rainbow Dash?"

"Yeah" Applejack banged her hoof on the counter "Where is she? We've been worried sick about'cha...uhh...Pinkie?" She jumped up and down to get a better look into the back kitchen "You still there?"

"Obviously!" Twilight rolled her eyes "She just called me to let me-"

Fluttershy screamed.   

"What now?" Rarity trotted through the door, wearing a spotted rain coat "Am I wet? Oh goodness I hope-" 

"No!" Fluttershy shuddered "It isn't that!"

"Then what in Equestria could be the matter?" Twilight sighed.

"Look. In. The. Kitchen!" Fluttershy darted away from her clear view of the Cake's working place and hid behind Applejack.

Twilight trotted forward and swung open the kitchen door "Girls. You are all being ridicu-ah-AHHHHHHHH!" Twilight screamed and backed out of the kitchen.

"What is it?" Applejack and Rarity called.

"The kitchen is....." Twilight paused for dramatic effect "Completely normal"

"I wasn't joking" Flutterhsy gasped, shaking "I swear I saw a ghost!" 

"Ghosts are paranormal and not scientificaly prooven. I'm sure we would all be fine even if they did exist. You see, they aren't solid and therefore you could pass through-"

"Beg' pardon Twilight" Applejack poked her in the back lightly with her hoof "but not everything has to be scientificaly proven or just like they are in books. I saw somethin' too and I for one ain't leavin' till I knows we are all safe!"

"Me neither" Rarity strode forward "I would lay down my boutique for all of you!"

Applejack raised her eyebrows.

"And....all my designs" Rarity added.

Applejack coughed.

"AND MY LIFE!" Rarity screamed "I would protect you all I could!"

"Good girlies!" A voice that scared the magic out of Twilight echoed in the silent bakery "I hoped one of you would come out of you say? Shell!"

The lights went out.

"Ok Girls" Twilight called into the darkness "I've got this!" Her horn sparked and light the dark room and glanced around. The light was minor, but she felt safer with it.

"Over here!" The voice giggled. Twilight lunged to the side "Wrong way!" It trilled as Twilght threw herself to the ground. "Now that's just plain silly!" it snorted as she backflipped into the kitchen "Do you want to be used in my secret recipe too?"

"Recipe?" Twilight pondered "Wait! Pinkamena!?"

"Well done Twily!" She shouted "I'm back and I can't wait to get back to baking! The aroma, the scent of pain and the taste of betrayal. The most wonderful sensations!"

Twilight coughed and choked down some bile "You disgust me!" She screamed. "Give us Pinkie and Rainbow back before I use the elements of-" She stopped, realising her mistake. Last time the elements had found each other by using some strange and unknown source of magic. She didn't know if she could do that again.

"Ahh!" My plan has returned to full power at last! The elements of Harmony broken and lost. The elements of dis-Harmony to rule again!" Pinkie giggled "I think it's time to ut some light on the subject!"

The lights flickered on.

Twilight blinked in the sudden light. She saw two figures lying on the floor, rubbing their heads from minor concussion. Rarity and Applejack.

Fluttershy had vanished.

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