Luna eclipsed

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"This is it girls, elements on!" Twilight whispered. Her magic made the elements appear from nowhere and she clipped each one onto each pony's neck. "We have to be so careful." She said, as she lowered her crown upon her own head "One small step could end it all"

"I hoped I'd never come back here" Pinkie Pie shuddered "She's very strong, I can't bear to imagion what would happen if we failed"  

"You won't" Celestia didn't smile, but her voice was uplifting "If we all come together, I'm sure we will outnumber and destroy them"

The seven ponies all entered the Cake's bakery one by one. Celestia leading, Twilight bringing up the rear.   

"Is this is?" Celestia asked, as she saw a yellow peeling paint door to there immediate north. Pinkie nodded and stepped forward "Theres a combination" She said "That was why Twilight could never reach us, but we could escape"  

"I see" Celestia nodded and tapped the door with her horn. It glowed red, then blue, then pink.

"The portal" Pinkie lowered her head "Princess, I'm sorry, this is all my fault" 

"Don't lower your heart" Twilight placed a hoof on Pinkie's shoulder and hugged her "That will only make Pinkamena stronger"

There was a loud thump at the door "I can smell your fear!" Pinmakena's voice giggled as she prepared to strike again "I can't wait to taste the cupcakes you'll make!" She clawed at the door and laughed manically "Shame we have a princess on our side too"

"What?" Celestia gasped "No, we destroyed her! She's gone!"

"If we beat her once, we will again!" Twilight shouted "We can't lose!"

"Wanna take that bet?" Pinkamena asked "Tell you what, I'll let you in, and we'll see who's right then" The door creaked open before any pony could reply. There was no one there.

"It's a trap" Rainbow Dash snorted "They'll jump out and scare us"

Celestia waved her hair from her face and lit her horn "No one there" She said, studying carefully, here eyes squinted.

"Nope" Twilight searched too "All clear"

"It's in our heads!" Applejack cried "She's messing with our heads!"

"That's it!" Twilight gasped. A sparkle flicked in her eye "Princess! They're from a parallel dimension that never existed. Quieters, it isn't real! They are a figure of our imagination and fear, and illusion of the mind!" 

"But still pretty solid!" Pinkamena's voice rung out "Come and get us"  

"We're ready!" Rainbow Dash raised her hoofs, ready to attack.   

"Ok girls?" Twilight asked, glancing up at Celestia "Are we ready?"  

They all nodded.

The stair case was very dark and the only things to light the way was the magic of Twilight, Rarity and Celestia. Twilight shivered and wrapped her wings around herself for warmth.

"Almost there" Pinkie whispered.

Fluttershy mearly whimpered and hid behind Rainbow Dash. "No worries Flutters" Rainbow Dash wrapped a wing around her shoulder and pushed her forward "Keep going"

"We're here" Pinkie said.

"Hehe girls" Pinkamena called "welcome to the party"

A long table, covered with cupcakes, intestines that must resemble streamers, inflated stomachs floated like baloons and the green pony skin light swung in time to a menaching blackboard scraping song. "You like our spread?" Freak-soul's voice was low and smooth, unlike Fluttershys shy and slightly squeaky voice "We made it to resemble friendship and magic" She spat at Celestia and laughed menacingly. 

Pinkamena Diane's lieWhere stories live. Discover now